I have been gone exactly one month. I smile just thinking about it, especially since I haven’t had too many problems yet. You would think that I would have had some sort of problem besides hunger, fatigue or some sort of pain somewhere, yet there is nothing but hunger and sometimes thirst. They only thing I would even consider a slight problem, besides the hunger, would be the day I ran into a poor woman in a farming town a couple days ago. She came up to me on the road as I was passing through to get food and water. She asked me if I was Amanda Livington. I asked her why, and she said Amanda was missing and showed me an article. I told her I wasn’t and I asked where the nearest place I could buy a newspaper was, and she showed me to the gas station. I got a newspaper, and sure enough, there was an article all about me. What I liked, what I looked like, and where they think I went. Thankfully, they thought that I had headed south. Only stopped to get a little food and fill up the water bottles I had before getting out of that town, I di