Chapter 24

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"Okay, so recap please," Jughead massaged his temples. "You guys got the Ghoulies, but not before they used a grenade to make the cave entrance cave in, so that's why it took you longer to find us."

FP opened his mouth to speak but Toni interjected excitedly. "Yeah, we were digging through rubble all night, but finding you guys like that was totally worth it!"

"What do you mean?" Jughead was geniunely confused as Veronica had woken up before him and he was not aware of their sleeping position.

Toni tried to tell him eagerly, but this time, FP cut in by clearing his throat. "Back on track. We've got 9 out of 12 Ghoulies in our hands, and some have finally admitted that the force they are relying on is one of the leaders of Hiram's side in the Civil War."

"My parents are in prison, Penny is dead, Malachai is dead, Claudius is dead," Veronica listed. "That leaves...Penelope Blossom."

"That vile, pathetic excuse of a mother?" Cheryl spat."I thought she was rotting in Switzerland!"

"I agree with Veronica," FP said. "Hiram and Hermione have lost everything they owned and are situated in one of the most guarded prisons in the country. It is not likely that they are helping the Ghoulies. Penelope, on the other hand, is free and her rise is possible."

Cheryl frowned. She was about to say something when Gladys Jones rushed into the room, embracing Jughead.

"Jughead! Thank God you're okay, I was worried sick!" she said frantically.

"It' okay, I'm fine," he said stiffly as his mother retracted her arms from the awkward hug that he did not return.

"Jugjug," his sister followed behind his mom, hugging him as well. This time, Jughead embraced her tightly in his arms. "I'm alright, Jelly, don't worry."

"I was so scared," Jellybean whispered. "I was scared that I was never going to see you again."

Seeing the sweet bonding of the reunited siblings, the others left the room to give them time and space.


"CHERYL MARJORIE BLOSSOM," Jughead stormed into Cheryl's room. "WHAT IS THIS?"

Cheryl smiled as she gracefully took the poster Jughead had flung at her face. "It's house decoration! Do you like it?"

"It's NOT Halloween, Cheryl!" he fumed.

"Calm down, Mr Drama," Veronica rolled her eyes, taking one of the posters Jughead had thrown at them. "What is this—"

"CHERYL!" Veronica screeched as she finally found out what was on the poster. Cheryl Blossom had printed the photos of them cuddling in the cave.

The shirtless Jughead had Veronica wrapped in his arms, while Veronica, who was wearing Jughead's shirt, had buried her face in his chest.  Jughead's head rested on Veronica's and their legs were tangled together.

"Where did you get this?" Veronica asked Jughead.

"It's all over the walls and I found a life sized one propped next to the front door!" he outragedly informed her. "Cheryl, Toni, who photoshopped this?"

"It's not photoshopped, Jughead," Toni seemed to find his reaction to the posters funny. "We found you guys like this."

"Very funny guys, cut the crap," Jughead did not believe Toni's absurd statement.

"We did wake up like that, Jug," Veronica confessed quietly.

He gaped at her. If even Veronica said it was true, then it must be true, and if it must be true, then...crap! They must have cuddled in their sleep. Jughead could feel his face rapidly heating up.

"I'm taking down every poster and if you do anything like this again, I'm taking the both of you down!" he immediately stormed out of the room to hide his blush.

"He is so blushing," Toni high fived Cheryl.

Veronica shoved them both off Cheryl's king-sized bed. "You two are so dead."

"Well, your pink cheeks makes your claim quite unconvincing," Cheryl returned cheekily.

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