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Stiles' room felt like it was getting smaller as the voices got closer. Derek gripped the dresser next to where he was standing.

Suddenly Stiles appeared in the room alone.

"Hey, you okay?" Stiles asked walking over to the nervous alpha. He placed a gentle hand on Derek's arm.

Derek wanted to pull away and snap at the human about babying him, but he didn't trust his voice so he just nodded.

"You remember Scott," Derek gestured to his door.

Scott stepped in with a smile, "Hey, Derek."

Derek didn't respond.

"This," Stiles waved at his door again, "is Allison."

Derek tensed as a young brunette walked in.

She looked terrified and smelled nervous. She was obviously as uncomfortable as Derek.

The room was silent and Stiles could see the discomfort radiating off Allison and Derek.

"Hey, she's not gonna hurt you, I promise," Stiles spoke reassuringly to Derek.

Once again Derek wanted to lash out, but he couldn't find his voice.

"I-I know you don't trust me, and...I get that, but I just want to say that I'm so sorry for what...she did, and I am not like her," Allison's voice wavered with tears.

Derek heard the sincerity in her tone.

"I will do whatever I can to help you end her," A tear slid from Allison's eyes. She wiped furiously at her cheek.

Derek gave a small nod.

"Okay, so I have been brainstorming about what we can do and-"

"Wait," Allison cut Stiles off mid sentence.

"You need to know, Kate isn't coming alone. I overheard her and my dad on the phone last night, she's not just coming about an omega. Apparently there are two Omegas. I think she wants to kill Scott too. My dad argued about a code, but she wasn't listening. She's bringing three others since my dad won't help her," Allison explained.

Derek clenched his fists.

"I will text Stiles as soon as she gets here and I will tell you everything I find out. Please don't let her hurt him," Allison begged Derek. He saw the same worry in her eyes he'd seen in his own.

"She won't hurt anybody ever again," Derek spoke finally. Any uncertainty he'd had he pushed away. He didn't have to trust these people to know they were sincere about helping him. Allison had her own reasons for wanting Kate dead. She'd killed her mother and now wanted her boyfriend dead. Scott's life was on the line so of course he'd help. The only one that didn't have a real reason was Stiles, but Derek trusted him the most, despite his best efforts.

"Okay so I suggest Scott and Derek never be alone. Allison you can't be seen with Scott, she likely wouldn't hesitate to drill you for information. It's safer to keep your distance. Isaac can stick with Scott. Derek, I'll stick with you-"

"No," Derek snapped.

Stiles frowned at the alpha.

"Kate is not above killing any human that gets in her way, she'll want me dead the most, I'm not letting you get hurt because of me," Derek growled at Stiles.

"And I'm not letting her hurt you," Stiles crossed his arms, "you don't have to like it, but you can't stop me."

"Stiles, she could kill you," Derek snapped.

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