Broken man

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Derek walked into the house to be met by Amora. Derek groaned. He knew he wasn't going to get out of the questioning that was coming.

"There you are," Amora smiled at the alpha, "You never came home last night."

Derek debated on whether lying would work for him right now, he wagered not, but maybe the half-truth would suffice.

"I was at Stiles', Scott and Allison broke up and she's his anchor. Stiles needed help keeping his shift under control," Derek lied with a shrug.

Amora raised a brow, "So you spent the night?"

"I fell asleep, I didn't intend to stay the night," Derek growled knowing where Amora was going with this.

"You smell like him," His sister smiled.

"I spent the night at his house, so yeah, I would," Derek huffed.

"Why can't you just admit you like him?" Amora pouted when Derek stepped passed her.

"Because I don't," Derek lied again. He prayed he was convincing. He could only control his heartbeat and scent so much. If he slipped at all, she would know.

"Why not? He's perfect for you," Amora whined following him into the kitchen. Derek immediately regretted that, because sitting at the table were Dominic, Damon and Cora. Laura must have been out.

"No he's really not," Derek growled grabbing a water from the fridge.

"He's smart, he's sarcastic, he's funny, he knows you're a werewolf, and he's super hot. What part of that isn't perfect for you?" Amora pressed.

"I'm not looking to date anyone," Derek just wanted her to leave it alone. She had become obsessed with him and Stiles getting together.

"She's right, he's perfect," Dominic piped in.

"Then you date him," Derek snapped, earning a shake of his head from Damon.

"He's not interested in me," Dominic's head dropped.

"How do you know?" Derek frowned.

"I'm not stupid. He skirts my advances and avoids direct eye contact. He's got someone else on his mind when I touch him, I can see it," Dominic answered with a sigh.

"Isaac," Derek said more to himself.

"Who's Isaac?" Cora asked curiously.

"A friend of his. A close friend," Derek explained.

Amora frowned, "He's never mentioned Isaac."

"He also never mentioned Theo," Cora pointed out.

Amora pouted.

"Why do you want him and Stiles to date so bad?" Dominic asked his sister.

Amora straightened her posture, avoiding Derek's eyes that were now focused on her.

"I think Derek deserves to know what it's like to be loved by a good person. He's only ever experienced heartbreak. He's never been the one to cause it," Amora answered, her tone matter of fact.

"I don't want to cause it," Derek snapped.

"I'm not saying you do, I'm simply saying that Stiles doesn't strike me as the 'hurt the ones you love' type." Amora shrugged.

"I thought it was because Stiles was understanding and you always said that whoever dated Derek would have to be understanding because he would hurt them without even meaning to," Cora said with a tilt of her head.

"Cora," Amora snapped at her sister.

"What?" Derek looked Amora with a hurt expression.

"I just think you're a broken man, and the person you end up with is gonna get hurt. You can't put together the pieces to a broken glass and not expect to get cut," Amora said dropping her eyes.

Derek didn't bother trying to hide the hurt he felt at that comment.

"Amora," Damon snapped at his younger sibling.

"She's right, which is even more of a reason I could never be with Stiles. He deserves better," Derek said looking down at the water bottle in his hands.

"Derek," Damon stood from his spot at the table, but the younger man was already walking out of the kitchen.

On his way upstairs, he heard his siblings jump into an argument, presumably about him, he chose not to listen. He didn't want to hear anymore.


When Derek's phone went off, he jumped. He'd forgotten Stiles was going to text him when he got home. Come to think of it, he should have been home over an hour ago.

Sorry I'm texting so late, stopped by to see how Isaac was doing.

Derek fought the jealousy in his chest as he responded.

How is he?

Derek was honestly not in the mood to talk, but he felt responsible for what had happened to Isaac, so he felt he should at least ask about him.

All healed up and back to normal.

Derek sent a simple 'good' before setting his phone down and burying his face back into the book he was reading.

About five minutes had passed when he got another text from Stiles.

Dominic just messaged me. He said you got into an argument with Amora, and it didn't go well. Is everything okay?

Derek let out an annoyed huff. Damn Dominic.

Yeah, I'm fine.

He responded simply, but he considered just being honest with Stiles. If he was going to allow him to be his 'friend' then he could tell him, right? Besides he knew about Kate, he would understand, unlike his siblings.

Actually, I'm not fine.

Derek debated on what to say exactly, he didn't want to tell Stiles the argument had been because of him.

I learned that Amora thinks I'm a broken man and that whoever I end up with is going to get hurt because of it.

That was vague enough.

The long pause between his text and Stiles' response had Derek anxious.

I don't think you're broken, I think you're guarded. It would take someone who is patient to be with you. I assume you would not be easy to love and that is why she thinks they would get hurt. I'm sure she didn't mean it in a nasty way. You're just afraid and so you push people away. That would hurt anyone.

Derek understood what Stiles was saying. He was right. Amora was right. Which reiterated his own thoughts that Stiles deserved better.

Am I to assume the argument was started because of me?

Stiles sent.

Derek frowned, how did he know that?

Why would you assume that?

Had Dominic said something?

Well you spent the night at my house, in my bed, I'm guessing you smelled like me. And the other day Amora had made the comment that she thought you and I would be cute together.

Derek smiled. If Stiles didn't become a detective, what was even the point?

You're too smart for your own good.

Derek expected a witty response, but instead the message he got gave him pause.

All of your siblings at some point have thanked me for being there for you...I want you to know that I really am here. I know you're guarded and don't fully trust me, but I hope that maybe I can be your stepping stone, so when you do meet someone you truly care about, you'll have the courage to give them a chance.

Derek stared at his phone. His siblings were right, Stiles would be the perfect person for Derek.

Stiles, I think we need to talk.

Derek sent the text before clarifying.

In person.

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