Explanations to the enigma

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Dr Rebecca Smith was sorting and storing piles of files when a word caught her attention. She leaves the leaflets in the storage case before coming at this voice. Two interns. Jacob and Isaac suddenly, realizing their mistake, walks away. Dr Beckett enters in. 

" Someone's searching for you. You should go already.

- What ? Lisa ?

- No, Vosgen, your secret admirer. "

She slams door, making titanic tremblings of the thin walls. During her short run in the corridor, interns had to stick against the walls, to avoid any fight, or worse. Even, Dr Elizabeth Darcy was shocked by her attitude. She tried to catch a conclusion, following her with difficulty.

" Rebecca ! What's happening ?

- Vosgen.

- She's early ! 

- And she's already preparing evil plans.

- Need help ? Elizabeth was suffocating.

- I was hoping you could get me those sleeping shots.

- We're out of stock ! 

- You're not helping. " 

They were arrived shortly at the bottom of the long hallway, announcing the rooms and the psychiatric department.

" Good luck. 

- I surely need it. "

She slams another door, of the specific bedroom, meeting the concerned. Dr Darcy decides to hear against the wall. Patients were laughing. Some of them were accustomed to this inconveniences, and the Vosgen's case.

" Hi again. I was asking.. could I have a glass of water. I am very thirsty.

- Your lack of attention is obvious. You could have ask the nurse.

- I know but it's so much fun when it's you.

- One week. "

This surprised her, she lifts her glance at her closer. 

" Sorry, I ? What ?

- You have one week before you pack your stuff and find another hotel.

- But I -

- Why don't you call your agent ? Oh that's right you don't have one anymore. Or perhaps, you consider myself as your new help ? It's over. Get used to it. Stop harassing me. "

The flow of accusations were strong against the thin figure. Laura tries to hide her embarrassment, deviating the trajectory of her accusatory look.

" I am sorry. I have to explain..

- Oh there is a lot to explain, don't you think ? Rebecca stands tall while Laura tries to dodge this one.

- There is a reason why I wasted myself.

- Oh please, do me the honor ! Explain.

- I was having troubles..

- Classic.

- Let me finish. I was having a real lack of inspiration since I finished the last novel.. "

Dr Smith was sitting, listening to these explanations. Laura kept delivering the truth, feeling the same trouble, due to her shame.

" ..called Victor and he suggested a trip, a holiday. But I was out of money, I was trapped in my apartment, in my office, with nothing more than my messy works. And no ideas left. Every day, I sat at the desk, searching for a tiny hint to a possibility, leading to a second success. I was thirsty of money, to pay taxes, the rent and rearrange the mess. The only solution to escape this crisis, my very old friend : alcohol. Later on, this new cool kid also joined the party : drug. I attempt a trip, convinced I would finally find an idea and start over again. "

Hesitations stuck between each advanced ideas. Laura was looking at her hands, impossible to stare and resist to Rebecca's regard.

" But you failed.

- I hate this word. I..

- I know you do. Face it, you'll have to rest to start over again.

- I have nowhere to go. And how will I know that this nap leads to work. I can't work anymore. I don't know. I can't remember how to ! I am lost. "

Dr Rebecca Smith notices her own pity for Laura. Without a doubt, she felt comprehensive. She shakes her head in a shiver, calling in her own mind for serious. 

" We can help you, if you do put efforts in this. One weak of resting and you will feel better.

- It's more than sleeping, honey. "

Dr Rebecca Smith tries to hide her smile, checking the file. By this nickname, she remembers the other days. The seriousness is difficult to keep.

" Madam Eldestein asks for a full journey in a detoxication center. 

- I am not ill, am I ?

- Don't be afraid of the word, writer. I think it is a great idea.

- Being locked in another space with others sick minds ? Talk about an inspiring trip.

- I am trying to figure out the enigma you are.

- What about my glass of water ? "

The sweet talk betrayed her. Rebecca stands up surprising Laura once again. Laura in a clever move, loops the loop, moving to the first question. Dr Smith does not wait to leave.

" Rebecca. Thank you. "

Then stops. The shy voice was definitely a reminder of the old persona she encountered.

" Call the nurse next time.

- Promise.

- Behave yourself, writer. Otherwise I'll call my superior.

- Good talk. Now leave me. I need to rest, doctor. "

Dr Darcy pretends to talk with patients in the corridor when Rebecca closes the door. Elizabeth returns to her with a clear face : 

" What with that smile ?

- I am not smiling.

- Liar.

- Don't tell Cate.

- Fine ! Talk. "

She stutters in a sudden. What was she thinking ?

" Vo-Vosgen explained. 

- Really ?

- She mentioned her weaknesses and needs. This job could be easy after all !

- Oh, really ? Five minutes earlier you were about to kill her. What happened ?

- I don't know I-I" 

As a save, Dr Cate Beckett was escorting a patient in a wheelchair. Noticing two friends, she lets the sleepy old guy snores longer.

" Call 999 we have an emergency. I think my friend Rebecca is in love again.

- SHUT IT ! 

- Does it hurt ? Elizabeth plays alongside Cate, hilarious.

- High blood pressure indeed.

- She only remind me of.. "

Betrayed by her own words, serving her inner hidden emotions she had recover. She smiles alongside the two. 

"Please don't tell Lisa.

- Tell what ? "

Standing against her door, the writer was waiting for answers. Arms crossed, smile sketched.

" Nothing. What are you doing in here ? Get back in your room for the love of ..

- Alright, alright ! Don't be so severe, doctor ! "

Dr Darcy and Dr Beckett kept giggling under their blouses.

" Oh, really ? You are supportive..

- She deserves a last chance.

- After the numerous others..

- SHUT IT. "

She walks away.

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