First Fruits

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Laura Vosgen had slept for a very long moment. Interns who passed in front of the room stopped for a brief moment and took a look. The nurse had never been called a single minute. Dr Smith kept been called at a service to another. She ran the whole structure, serving, perceiving, delivering, helping, welcoming, curing, analyzing, observing, sorting, greeting. The young author in rehab kept a tired eye on her own doctor. Seeing her busy and agitated in this way, she had the image of a small mouse in a huge molehill of glass and red bricks. Dr Cate Beckett gently opens the door, asking :

" Miss Vosgen ! How are you today ?

- What day are we, doctor Beckett ?

- Tuesday. You recovered well, according to the blood tests. How is it possible ? How do you do this ? You manage to waste yourself, getting involved in horrible stories and then, you just get back on the track.

- I am sorry but I don't manage to fully heal. "

The commentary was correct and announced an evolution. Either this one was positive or negative. 

" Why don't you try to.

- To what ? My many attempts all lead to the same conclusion. Impossibility.

- You are focusing on the wrong side.

- While you kept telling the same story. "

Dr Cate Beckett was facing the same impossibility. Unable to help, she discreetly calls for a service. 

" I hope my colleague, Dr Mandell, will help you.

- I haven't see Dr Smith, is she okay ?

- She is very busy this afternoon. 

- Afternoon ? What time is it ?

- Three. Wait for Dr Mandell, she's on her way. "

Dr Beckett lets the seat free for Dr Mandell. The specialized was carrying a tons of books and reviews. On the top of this mountain of letters, suggestions, diagnostics, and theories, her own file was standing out.

" Good afternoon. I am Dr Mandell. Eva. Mandell I am. "

Her hesitations and shyness made Laura smile in a discreet and shy grin.

" Sent by Dr Beckett to help you.

- You sure ? this specific sarcasm induced a large laugh.

- Sorry I have never been in the boots of a psychologist before.

- No, I heard usually you're next to kids who won't understand a word about it, right ? Imagine me as a kid, makes thing easier maybe. 

- Well, Dr Smith already thinks you're - 

- Keep talking.

- Where were we ? Yes. (She browses the piles of books by an index, grabbing and opening all of the means.) Addictions.

- My middle name.

- To alcohol, and - 

- Drugs, sex, jokes. 

- Yes. This is really bad. "

A silent sets in. 

Dr Eva Mandell avoids embarrassment during her silent lecture under the curious and smily eyes of Laura. Her finger underlines lines and lines, as she continues this exercise. Her lips were miming the words, Laura tried to guess a message. The key to the enigma. The silence becomes a tension, and broke under her coughing.

" Oh. Ha. Yes. Well. Freud mentioned the concept of sublimation. "

Her eyes lights up.

" Go on.

- Transformation of a sexual energy, or for your case, your addiction to alcohol and drugs.., by drifting it to other subjects, mainly arts.

- But I can't write anymore I don't have any..

- .. I know. But this is a first task in your cure you'll have to remember. Catharsis. Right here. "

Another strong silence sets in.

" I guess I will have to try to find a subject. "

In her head, the image of Victor Danvers during the last phone call persevered. 

" A journey..

- You are not allowed to go out at this state ! 

- An idea. A situation, characters, a story..

- You're freaking me out, Vosgen. What are you doing ?! "

Laura tries to get out of her bed. Another emotion aimed to move her, lighting her gaze. She was delivering - in what seems like a trance in the eyes of the psychologist  - her own thesis.

" The beginning.. A scenario is a plan, a work, scenes, scenes, description. Plot.. Characters, characters..

- The situation could be dealing with your addiction, no ? "

Laura Vosgen was running across the room, Eva hesitates calling the emergency unit. The writer goes insane, dancing in a weird posture.

" Calm down ! You're having a burn-out ! Please, calm down ! "

A blurry familiar silhouette walks by, alerted by the shouts. 

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