The deadly fight over a sandwich

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The original comic is owned by Emma Krogell on the app and website: Webtoon.
If you just clicked on this story and don't know what 'Lumine' is, go to Webtoon. Search 'Lumine' up and her webcomic would pop up.

It's a really good comic, you should read it! And if you want more information about the comic, search on: Lumine wiki fandom.
There it'll be more information about the fantastic comic.

I don't own any of Emma's characters, I just own my OC's, some of the places and most importantly: I own this fanfiction AND this plot, so please don't steal it. Since I don't speak English in my country, my English grammar may not be on point. But hey, I tried right?

I think that was everything, you may now proceed to my fanfic of the comic "Lumine"

Have a good reading, and may the odds be ever in your favor.

As soon as I entered the school gates to my new school, my eyes eminently flashed over to two boys. One had wolf ears and a tail, white hair, two colored eyes. The simple answer: a weredog.
The other was a witch kid, bright green eyes, and dark brown hair. They two was the most...'most outstanding', of all the students in this school.
The bell rang so I started rushing in, to have some extra time to find my classroom.

Walking around in the corridors I finally found my classroom, 7-D.
I decided to go in and take a seat in my new class. Unfortunately, as I opened the door. I got a bucket of water over me.

Everyone was laughing at me, I just glared at them all which caused them to get quiet, then I just took a seat.
Later on, the teacher came into the classroom, going through her list of all names.
"We have a new student here today, Payton Fox?" she asked, I sighed but reached up my hand.
"Here." Everyone looked at me.
"Oh...would you like to introduce yourself for the class?"
I shrugged. "Ok.."

As I walked over and stood beside her, our teacher looked closely at me.
"May I ask you, why are your clothes wet?"
"Oh?" then I smiled. "Because some punks in here, thought it might be funny to pull a prank, on their new classmate." I shrugged.
"That's not how you greet your new classmate!" The teacher yelled over the class.
"Anyway..." I coughed. "My name is Payton Fox, I'm 13. I hope you'll accept me as your classmate now"
As I was about to pack my stuff and leave, I dropped one of my pencils it started to roll away over the floor.
"Damnit!" I curse under my breath, as I chase after it.
My pencil got under a desk, so I crouched down to get it. What I wasn't expecting, was the little white....puppy..? With two colored eyes, well not exactly. The eyes are blue, besides the half of the left eye, right from my perspective. It was golden.

"Eem...who are you?" I asked the little pup, but before it got to answer I answered my own question. "Yeah right! You're the little weredog, right?" I patted him on the head. "I'm Payton, nice to meet you!"
The little weredog transformed back into the little boy, making him knocking his head into the desk over him.

I couldn't help but chuckle. "And you're name is...?" He looked away from me, his ears falling flat against his head. "L-Lumine..." he mumbled. "Lumine?" I said then I smile at him. "That's pretty cute!"
He blushed at my statement, and I couldn't help but laugh. It seemed like he saw something behind me, because in one second he shifted into the little pup and ran away.
"Kody, wait!" That getting my interest, I silently walk after him.

"What are you doing??" A girl said to the witch boy, I assume is Kody. "Are you playing mute again?? Hahaha!"
"Hey! Leave Kody alone!" I heard Lumine's voice say.
"And why would we do that?" The other girl said, it was three of them.
"He's my friend!" Lumine said, but I could tell he was nervous.

The third girl, which I assume was the leader, laughed. Her green eyes shining. Another witch?!
"Let me get this straight Lumine. Kody doesn't have any friends! You're not his friend!"
Lumine now doubting, looking back at Kody. Kody didn't meet his eyes, he just shamefully looked away.
"Anyway, here's your punishment for being mute!"

The witch girl shot a green fire at Kody. My reflexes kicked in, my hand flew out and the fire disappeared in a violet portal.
"Don't. You. Dare. Touch them!" I snarled, they all looked at me.
The witch girl frowned, I remembered her name now. Calla.
Calla looked at me. "And who are you? You're the new kid, right?" Her eyes scanning me upside down.

"Yup, the new kid who are gonna kick your ass!" I snap my fingers, another portal appeared above her head. And a green fire shoots down on her.
All the others seemed so surprised, suddenly the bell rang saying break was over. The girls including Calla ran away to get to their lessons. "This won't be the last time you see me!" Calla snarled.
"Yeah, I know. It's school, so I'm gonna see you pretty much everyday.." I said a matter of factly.
Then I turn to a silent Kody and a surprised Lumine. "Lesson starts soon! See ya around!" Then I ran of to my next lesson.

At lunch time I sat at a table for myself, looking out of the window. Thinking.
I looked down to the school cafeterias lunch, it looked okay, but I didn't want to eat it.

So out from my grey backpack with black batwings, I pull out my own lunch. It was a shrimp sandwich and macrons I made by myself.
As I was starting to eat it, a hand slammed down on my table. I look up to see a pissed Calla and her companions.

"What do you want?" I ask as I put down my food.
"I'm the strongest witch in school.." she started.
"" I ask as I start to munch on my sandwich again, just to be interrupted. "I want your sandwich!"
I glared at her. "Why?"
She rest herself on my table, I just wanted to kick her leg so she would probably hit her chin or something, in the table.

"I'm the strongest witch in school!" She said, flipping her hair. "What I want, I get"
I snorted. "Pfft...sure" I start to munch at my sandwich. "If you want something, you must fight for it"
Calla looked absolutely pissed, she tried to snatch my sandwich out from my hand.
As she did that, she leaned over the table to reach it. I saw my chance and kicked the table, so the edge of it, got shoved up in her stomach.

"Ouff!" She let out as she stumbled away from my table, clutching her stomach.
I stood up, flung my bag over my shoulder and laughed. "You should've seen your face! Hahaha!" I laugh, holding my sandwich. "You're pretty funny...."
With that I walked out from the cafeteria. "Sayonara, losers!"

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