Art class don't suck at all, Elijah

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As the lesson was on going, and the teach was babbling about some Satan stuff. Aka, math I was sighing and looked down under Kody's desk.
"...okay, can somebody please calculate this?" The teacher asked as she pushed up her glasses, I glared at the math but then I smiled.

Lumine seemed to try to calculate it, hehe. He looked so cute!
"Hmm....31!" He then yelled out, Kody jumped in his seat as he lightly kicked his bag.
"Who said 31?" The teach asked, and I couldn't help but snicker. "Miss Fox, could you solve this then?" The teacher said as she glared slightly at me, from the bridge of her nose.
I gave her my classical "I-hate-you-stare", but then sighed.
"No. I cannot figure it out ma'm" I reply, as I sighed and looked with half lidded eyes on the black board.

I doodled in my math book the rest of the lesson, since I'm so bad at math you might have guessed I don't have so good grades in it either.
On the last test I got 34 % out of 100....
Sigh, well anyway. As soon as the bell rang I dashed out from the classroom, ran to my locker and opened it.

As I was about to close my locker and head to the next lesson, someone poked me. "You forgot this"
I turn around to face a taller brown eyed boy in a red hoodie, in his hand he held my math book.
Gosh! How could I've forgotten this?!
"Oh, um. Thanks" I smile as I take it from him. "My name's Payton, nice to meet you"
"Nice to meet you too Payton. I'm Elijah. Soo....what subject do you have now?"
"Uh, art I think....." I reply as I close my locker.

"Art huh? Just so you know, art is pretty boring" Elijah says as we start walking down the hall.
"How come?" I ask as I tilt my head towards him as I hug my books to my chest.
He shrugged, putting his hands behind his head. "It's just boring, all you do is sitting on a chair and draw whatever"
We stopped outside the art classroom.
"I think art is pretty fun" I say as I look into Elijah's brown eyes. "You can draw whatever you imagine and it's also a way to expression yourself and your feelings. As you say: 'a picture says more than I thousand words', am I right or am I wrong?" I felt my eyes glinting, Elijah shrugged.
"Maybe you're right, but I'm gonna skip anyway. See you around Payton"

I giggle as I entered the room and sat down at a desk. Waiting for the teacher I looked outside the window, teens were playing outside or just talked around with their friends.
Hmm, I wonder what Lumine and Kody is doing right now...
In walks what didn't look like our teacher, this guy had long orange hair with small braids in it, brown nice eyes and red glasses.
"Hi there, my name is Case and I'm your substitute teacher today. Umm, since I don't know what you're working with, just continue with that please!"

As I picked up a empty canvas, pencils and stuff like that. I was silently observing our substitute teacher called Case. He was wearing a white shirt, a red and white striped vest and black pants.
As I sketched on the canvas, I was planning on drawing a majestic dragon or at least try, I heard how Case joked around with my other classmates.
Case seems nice and very funny, but he could also be strict it seemed.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" A shriek behind me came, I turn around to see a girl with silver hair, bronze eyes and black glasses. But what's catching my eyes the most is her necklace.
"Oh, it's okay!" I reassured with a smile, she only knocked over some pencils and brushes. "I really like your necklace there" I point on her salmon pink necklace which seemed to have feathers.
"Thanks! I got from my grandmother, she used to live in the wasteland when she were younger" she then stretched out her hand. "I'm Jonna Hevnosh"
I shook her hand. "Payton Fox"

Under the whole lesson I and Jonna chatted and laughed, I can't believe I made a friend.
"What are you drawing Pay? If you don't mind me calling you that?"
I giggled slightly. "You can call me Pay, and I'm thinking of trying to draw a dragon. You?"
"Oh, now my idea is just gonna sound stupid" she blushed a shade of red, I smiled as I bumped her in the side.
"C'mon, tell me. There's never a bad idea, well sometimes it is. But not now, if you don't draw it horrible" I mutter the last part as we burst out in giggles.
"Haha, no I was thinking about drawing a mermaid or a merman" she replied.
"That sounds cool to me" I smile, the bell rang.

"Okay class, have wonderful day. You're dismissed!" Case called out, I quickly signed the canvas with Payton Fox. A nice little curve on the 'P' and the 'F'.
"I like the way you write too! It's unique!" Jonna said smiling pushing up her glasses, I smile at her. "Thanks Jon!" As I called her that we both burst out giggling, walking out from the classroom saying bye to Case.

We stopped laughing as a hand slammed into the lockers, right in front of us. Jonna immediately hid behind me, I looked back at her then glare curiously at the person under my dark bangs.
He was tall, even tho he looked like the same age as us. He had black hair shaved on the sides, and the tops of the hair he had left it was dyed red.
Blue eyes and a evil glint in them.

Ha? Another bully? Seriously, how many bullies are the author gonna put in here?!
I cross my arms as I look up on him with a dull expression in my eyes. "Did you want anything particularly?" I ask as I grab Jon's wrist as I quickly walk past him. "If it wasn't anything special, excuse us. We have lessons to attend, you should too" I answer, dragging Jonna with me and rounded a corner.

"Do you know who that was?!" Jonna asked me as she nervously turned her head time to time, looking if he was coming after us.
"Pfft! No, but who was that anyway?" I ask curiously as we stopped outside the girls bathroom, me leaning on the lockers next to the bathroom.
"That was Jay Quran! The Jay Quran!" Jonna spotted out in surprise, I shrugged. "Never heard of him before, he just seems like another dull, boring bully" I cross my arms as I roll my eyes, Jon sighed heavily but then giggled.
"What?" She looked up on me as she tried to muffle the giggles with her hand, formed to a fist and pressed to her mouth.
"Did you see the look on his face?!" She started laughing. "I don't think he expected that from a thirteen year old girl!"
I smirk. "Well, now he just gonna suck it up and deal with it. Because I won't leave this school!"

Our happy chat turned to a stressed one. The last and fourth bell rang, telling everyone that was still in the corridors, aka me and Jon, were 5-7 minutes late for class.
"Damnit!" I curse as I glare at the bell. "Damnit! What do you have??" I ask Jon, she looked on me with a mischievous glint. "A 45 minutes break, you?~"
I punch her on her shoulder. "Damn you!" She laughed. "Well I have physics"
"Well that's boring for you, the teacher suck and he smells weird too"
I chuckle. "Don't all teachers smell weird?" Then I ran. "Gotta go! See you at lunch!"
"Yeah! See ya!"

As I ran to physics, completely forgetting my books I smile to myself.
This school year is going to be very interesting, both for me and everyone else!

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