07. Partners

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Gotham Academy; October 7th, 11:56 EDT

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Gotham Academy; October 7th, 11:56 EDT

I rubbed my temple as the clock ticked by, it only being a few minutes into third period. I exhaled through my nose and looked back at the teacher who drawled on about Botany. There was nothing I could do but wait until the end of the day had come before going after Fleur. She had been in Gotham City for three days since our encounter in the Louisiana Bayou, leading me to believe that our brothers were with her. They sure were keeping a close eye on me it seemed.

"Adreen Shire. You're for dismissal."

I quirked a brow, my eyes going from the teacher to the man standing in the doorway. I narrowed my eyes. He leaned against the door paneling, face blank as he stared at me. Slowly, I grabbed my school bag and stood. I didn't take my eyes off him as I walked out of the classroom.

"What are you doing here, Harrison?" I rasped as we stepped out into the sunlight. 

"You haven't been completing your mission, Adreen. It's time to forget about getting close to them and focus on the task at hand." he refused to look at me as he usually did, handing me a syringe. "Tell Batman you know where Monkshood is. Ask to bring Robin with you so you two can bring her in. Fleur will provide you an opening to take him down. When you see it, do it. That katana of yours has seven good strikes in it. Use it on him. The rest will be smooth sailing from there."

I frowned and stared at the syringe of green. With a short nod, I took the syringe from his hand. "And you want me to inject this in myself to make it seem like I was also taken out?" 

"Yes. The one you have in your belt already will be for Fleur. She will also have blades on her. The entire thing will look like it was her fault."

I looked up at him quickly, "She's going to get the death penalty for that."

"I know." he didn't so much as blink.

"But she's our sister." I could hear the strain of guilt in my voice and winced when his jade green eyes glared down at me. 

"That doesn't matter anymore. The mission does. I have to go now. Colton will be awake for his next mission soon. Oh, and bring your grade in Calculus up. Can't have you slacking in school and on this mission." he turned and walked away, not forgetting to put his sunglasses back on.

I clenched my jaw and stared at the syringe before putting it in my school bag. I inhaled and walked away from the school with a lump weighing in my throat. 


Mount Justice; October 7th, 17:34 EDT

NightShade [d.g.] |REWRITING|Where stories live. Discover now