[ A . T . ] Sound Waves

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Y/n PoV~ 

Tony was out at the moment, working on a song in the studio.
My phone buzzed as I signed off of the livestream I was doing on Instagram.

From TonyBear🙈~ baby, can you record you saying 'I love you' In voice memos please? Then send it to me, with the sound wave thingy.

To TonyBear🙈~ lol ok ♥️♥️

I sent him the memo with a confused look on my face, wondering what he's up to.

Three and a half hours later~
The front door slammed downstairs, then I could hear footsteps coming up the stairs of the Team 10 House.
My door opened, revealing my gorgeous husband- Anthony.

"Hey baby." I smiled, he returned one.
"Hey love." He winked, sitting beside me.
He was wearing a jumper in hot weather, which was weird.
"Why did you need that memo, and why are you wearing a jumper?!" I exclaimed, placing a kiss on his soft lips.
"For this!" He giggled like a kid, taking the jumper off.
His forearm had a piece of cling film covering a new tattoo... of a sound- wave.
"IS THAT MY SOUND WAVE I SENT YOU?!" I laughed, pulling his arm to me & examining it.
"Yup, you like it?"
I nodded with tears forming in my eyes- he loves me that much?
"So now I'll always have you with me, telling me that you love me." He smiled softly, cupping my face.
"Why you crying baby?!" He panicked, "b-because you love me that much." I sobbed with happiness, enveloping him in a hug.
"Of course I do sugar-plumb, I always have."


I really thought this was nice :)

I was looking at tattoos and I was like: 'CUTE IDEA!'

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