ʙʀᴇᴀᴋᴜᴘ & ʀᴇᴜɴɪᴏɴ • ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴛᴡᴏ

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𝘑𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘱𝘢𝘶𝘭 𝘹 𝘣𝘦𝘤

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𝘑𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘱𝘢𝘶𝘭 𝘹 𝘣𝘦𝘤

If you have ever been truly upset before, when I say that I have physical heart-ache, you would understand what I mean.
The clenching pain that surrounds your chest & makes you feel as though you have just been stabbed multiple times.
This feeling & the pitter - patter of raindrops on my window were the only things I was aware of. If someone was sat beside me, begging me to speak to them- I wouldn't have even realised that they were there let alone be speaking back to them.

Jake had left as I had requested those three days ago. He had called & texted several times but couldn't face talking to him.

I felt so heartbroken that he didn't want to be introduced to anybody who is important in my life- it was as if he was ashamed of me in some way, or that he wasn't taking our relationship seriously. If he didn't want to be introduced to these people, to my own family, then he must not be in this relationship for the long- hall.

I had completely & utterly fallen head over heels for him in love, & wanted nothing more but to be with him.

I needed to tell him that.
He needs to know how I feel, & why I had to break things up between us.
That I wasn't going to keep things going between us if it wasn't for the foreseeable future, & that I have fallen in love with him deeper than I ever thought was possible.

I stood to my feet in my cold & dark bedroom, the rain outside continued to get even heavier & louder.
It was as if the sky knew how I was feeling, so it cried with me.

I walked into my bathroom, staring into the mirror that took over almost the entire length of the wall, but I didn't like what I saw.
My eyes were blood shot & puffy, my skin clammy from the tears that had been continuously falling down my now pale cheeks.
I blew my noise and took a painkiller for my headache, followed by my fingers massaging my aching temples on my forehead.

I took a deep breath & picked up my phone which was on the counter-top, cold as I hadn't used it in a while.
My screen lit up with a million messages from Jake, his photo still my screensaver.

Jake : Baby, I'm so sorry
Jake: I beg for nothing but your forgiveness, bec
Jake: I love you
Jake: please don't ever think that I was ever ashamed of you, or that I did not want our relationship to be taken seriously.......
Jake: I have kind of stupid, yet valid reasons for why i didn't want to be introduced to those people, so please call me and we can work this out. Okay? Please just be safe, bec. I love you.

I decided to do so; to call him.
I felt the undying need to hear the sound of his soft, comforting voice, which was the only thing that never seemed to fail to make me calm down.

He picked up after only a few beeps, his voice was cracked & husky like, deeper than usual. It was always like this when he was upset, & sleep deprived.

"Hello? Bec? Is that you?" He whimpered, his voice cracking at the end.
"H-hey, Jake..." I sighed, my voice both stuttering & shaking. My throat felt tight as I begged myself to not cry & beg for him to come over & hold me in his arms. I knew I couldn't do that, though. I had to stay strong.
"I- I was wondering if you wanted to meet up, maybe for a coffee and some lunch? We could do with sorting things out." I said, feeling a little more confident.
"Of course! Yeah, sure. Definitely." He enthusiastically replied, his voice filled with hope.
"Okay... how about tomorrow? Around noon? Will that work for you?"
"Yes, of course. Thank you, Bec..."
"Okay... I'll see you tomorrow then.... did you want to meet at Fran's diner?"
"Yeah, that sounds perfect. Thanks. Take care."
"You too, Jake. Bye."

The next day I decided to get up early & go for a run.
I climbed out of bed at 6:30 a.m., and got dressed into my sports top & leggings.
I put in my AirPods and played some upbeat music.
I ran for twenty minutes & then took a shower and washed my hair when I returned home.
I put on some fresh clothes, and then applied a little makeup. Just enough to make me look a little more awake & healthy.
I had some yoghurt granola & fresh chopped strawberries as well as a iced soya latte from Starbucks, making sure I started my day off just right.

It was then time to leave to meet Jake...
I walked up to the diner where we were meeting, as I began to feel a little nervous.
I saw Jake sitting at one of the booths, so I slowly walked over to him.
"Hey." I smiled, sitting opposite him.
"Bec, hi, how are you?" He asked, a little flustered as he gave me the elevator look, as if he was making sure I was okay.
"I'm doing okay thanks... what about you?"
"I'm... I've been doing better in the past. But I'm okay now that you are here." He softly said, his plump lips curving into a weak & sorrowful smile which I returned.
We ordered a milkshake each and some food, and then I knew I had to say it...
"Jake... I needed to say some things to you... that's really why I wanted to meet up with you so early after... Well, what happened."
"Okay." He breathed, his gaze holding mine.

"The short of it is, is that I love you, Jake. I really do. I never knew I could love someone as much as I love you. So when you didn't want to meet those people who are important to me, like Mia for example, I felt as if you didn't feel as strongly about us as I did. Like you weren't bothered with taking our relationship seriously so you weren't bothered with meeting them, as if you weren't expecting our relationship to continue."

"Bec, I can't express how sorry I am. The reason why I didn't want to meet them, is, is because I didn't feel good enough. I felt as though they wouldn't like me and then you'd be forced to break up with me, and then leave team ten. I couldn't even think of that, I couldn't bare the thought of that; of you leaving me.
But that backfired, I guess. Because I lost you anyway."

I couldn't say anything. I was too stunned that this is how he felt, how insecure he really was. I almost felt guilty for thinking what I did; that he didn't love me. He loved me so much that he felt insecure.

"Oh Jake..." I cooed. "Come here." I smiled, & walked around to him.
He looked at me confused. "Bec, we can't just leave, we have food-"
"Who cares about the food?! Come here!" I beamed, taking his hand & I led him to Central Park which was a couple of blocks away.

I faced him, his eyes locking to mine.
"I love you." He whispered.
"I love you even more. I'm so sorry I doubted you." I smiled.
"I'm so sorry that you ever had to doubt me, you had every reason to leave me-"
I cut him off by placing my lips onto his, and felt everything that I needed to feel.

He did love me, truly.


Hey loves!!! I hope you enjoyed part two!!

Thank you so so so much for requesting it, I've had such a good response from Part One, and so many requests for part two.

Love, V. ❤️

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