Birthday Senior ( ii )

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Arthit was in his room all day, laying down his eyes were red due to much crying his body limp because he didn't eat anything the whole day. The picture from earlier when he saw his P'Kong caressing that P'Prim's hair gently hurt him so much, the way his P' smiled while doing that made him comeback into his tears again.

" P'Kong why?...What exactly was My fault to deserve this cruel treatment?... What had gone wrong that you wanted to see other people...Was I Not good enough for you?...Why did you do this to me P'...Why?..."

Again he wiped the blurbed mess of tears going down his red cheeks and his thoughts flew back to the day they both gave each other their gears, where his P' made an promise and he felt the happiest guy alive.

Arthit, In the future...If you ever want to cry next time...Please tell me and I'll wipe the tears for you, lend you my shoulder to cry on...

That was the promise he made and now that Arthit's in that mess there's nobody here for him to cry on their shoulder, to wipe his tears away. Feeling something cold and round shape against his chest he looked down to see the gear his P'Kongpob gave to him to take care of it, looking at it he once again shattered tears while bring it to his lips.

Where are You now P'Kongpob?...

Feeling asleep taking over him again from all the crying and remembering the pain he closed his eyes hoping some asleep would have him feel well after he wakes up, knocking sound was heard on his door successfully woken him up from his peaceful asleep...He unwillingly gets up from his bed and walked towards the door When he opened he wasn't surprised to find his P'Kong standing there. Both stared at each other with Kongpob trying to speak and Arthit just looked at him blankly.

" Oon baby, Can...Can I talk to you?..."

" Forget it P', I don't want to hear it,"

He walks back inside not wanting to ruin his mood again with this mess until he was stopped by Kongpob's hand on his.

"'It's Not what you think is happening...Let me explain it,"

" It's always what it looks like P'...that girl obviously means important to you and you like her that much you're willing to do anything that she wants. You're too kind that's why she wanted you to be with her instead of somebody else...You..."

" Will you shut up for an moment and listen to me now?..."

He wanted to say more just remembering the scene made his blood boil and release his anger to his P' to feel the pain over again driving him crazy, As Kongpob held his hands behind his back he gulped when Arthit sent him daggers.

" Yes it's true that N'Prim is important to me and that I like Her a Lot and wild help her in anything she wants is Because She is My cousin,"

" Wah...She's your...What?..."

Kongpob nods holding tightly onto his love as he continues to explain more.

" My Cousin who's about to be engaged soon so she asked me to accompany her on selecting an Ring cause she and I have be an very close since Little and I had an idea on what type Of ring her fiancée would like,"

" So...That day...on the phone..."

" That day I was almost done with my papers and project so I wanted to surprise you and lied saying I'm still busy But then N'Prim came and asked me to go sigh her tomorrow when I was going to see you so I delayed the idea and next I know you had misunderstood and left crying,"

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