Right here For you

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It was around Seven O'Clock when the sun's rays reflected on Arthit's face awakening him from his slumber, he moaned stretching out all the bits and knots from his sleep and sat up messing up his morning hair, Looking towards his left side he was met with an empty spot chuckling he got out and slipped on his slippers ready to start another day, this happened everyday even on the weekends Kongpob would be up and fresh doing gods knows what at early in the morning while Arthit would stay back in bed catching up on his needed rest and start his day around One thirty to Two.

He's not a lazy guy he just needs his rest cause of his work loaded his job is heck! He can even skip his sleep to complete his assignment But on the weekends it's a Must for him to get some shut eye, so when next week would come he would be active and ready for his daily routine and pray it all goes well.

Letting out another yawn he picked up his towel and went into his walk in closet to pick out the clothes for today only to frown upon when he couldn't find them, he checked the rest of his clothes and ended up empty handed.

" Where the Heck are my clothes gone?!"

He looked around as if they will appear right in front of him groaning in frustration with his hands on his hips he was about to step out when the corner of his eye caught on a note placed on the side table near the exit with a single yellow Sunflower next to it. Picking it up he read what was written inside.

Monday mornings are something which everybody hates, start of a new week, new day and possibly a new year. But today is a special time of year cause this day specifically is where love starts to develop, so I want you to come along this treasure hunt with me because it's fun and in the end you'll...well let's leave that part for the later. Slip on the outfit I've chosen for you placed on your desk and come to the entrance of the building once you've done,

From you know who,"

He should have known it was Kongpob up to once of his romantic cheesy tricks again, the single sunflower and the note are one of his clues to lead the treasure hunt going, shaking his head Arthit went over to his desk and wooed at the chosen outfit for him tonight.

There laid a checkered shirt mixed of brown and black on one side and black-greyish on the other side with a giant cross printed on his undershirt and roman words scattered around on top and bottom blue skinny jeans with black and white Adidas sneakers. Around his neck is a long chain which had a small locket attached to it given by his mother for his graduation present, he cherished the item with all his life.

" His styling chose is getting better every day I see,"

Heading to the shower he quickly spoiled body wash and shampoo then brushed his teeth twice, he's extra protective of his hygiene dressing in the clothes picked by his love he set out on beginning his hunt going to the entrance where he was greeted by the security guard who pointed to the row of cut out glittered stars row leading in a direction around the corner of the street, Arthit waiied the guard as in a thank you and followed the trail of stars where they began his treasure hunt.

He ended up at a cross road corner where he saw another note with a baby blue lily flower on it, picking it up he smiled reading what it said this time.

Work, school, retirement, they are the three fazes of life which nobody can escape. They prove us to be the best or the worse, But this time I want you to go where we first had our official hangout.

Keep going love

Collecting the note and the flower he pressed the white button waiting for the green walking man to come, he couldn't help to turn rosy red and grin like an idiot gaining some weird looks from People passing by what could he do when his cheesy boyfriend keeps coming up with these cliche ideas and making him a love sick puppy who wants to stay by his owner's side to have him in his life forever. Finally after fifteen minutes of waiting the green man gives the single for the walking people to go stopping the in coming traffic.

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