Wrapped Around Your Finger

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It was finally Summer vacations after two weeks full with classes, exams and projects Kongpob had agreed to come with me this weekend to see my parents...Yes I had finally decided to take that big step into our relationship and introduce him to my parents after meeting his, though I was nervous like hell thinking they will disagree with us and make Kongpob date an girl it turned out better than I expected when they opened full arms for me welcoming in the family and blessed us both like we were about to be married and soon prayed to have an little Suthiluck running around here.

Of course finding the scene delighted Kongpob decided to throw in one of his play game teasing and leaned in saying don't worry, just give me an month and that will come soon his Mae squealed jumping on the couch hearing that while his father just chuckled and I blushed slapping his arm. It was relaxing with his sisters weren't around cause from what I had heard about them they were another part just like Kongpob and wouldn't leave me the entire day until I had died from blushing too much.

Finally after meeting them I felt loved and kinda liked what I had with them that I decided to have the courage and tell my own parents the truth of me having an boyfriend. I had already called them and said I'll be bringing an friend well not for long. As it was set for us to leave on that date Rumours had spread out about him and me meeting my parents and soon become the highlight of the University gossip resulting My friends to show up and his too. They walked over to us watching as we loaded our Luggage into the car.

" Why does it feel like we are sending Our kid off to meet his in laws?..."

Toota being the drama queen he is known for, sniffed on Bright's shoulder while Bright gave him an disgustingly look pushing him away when he leaked snot on his shirt.

" Ew gross! Don't you have Any tissues to wipe away your boogies?...And What the hell are you talking about huh?...it's Arthit who's taking Kongpob to meet his old folks not the other way around,"

" Aw right! I got it the wrong way, hehe silly me,"

Toota fixed himself up straightened his back trying to act like nothing happened.

" I still ask myself how did you two get into University?...What was the University thinking of accepting you bongs in?..."

Prem said shaking his head at the two idiots like an elder sibling annoyed by the two younger ones his parents dump them on him to take care of.

" Hey! Why are you comparing me with him?...Toota's the one who..."

Bright interrupted defending himself to not match him with Toota's act as he likes to call himself much better than Toota. He was going to protest when I had enough of their argument and stopped it before it lead me to an headache.

" Bright and Toota both of you just shut it, will ya,"

They both immediately zipped their mouth and stood still like an kid scold by his elder, then Knott pulled me to the side to talk as I saw from the corner Kongpob talking with his friends.

" I hope everything goes right for you and Nong Kongpob. Wish you all the best luck and if anything goes wrong just call me and I'll be right there,"

" Thanks Knott I appreciate that But don't worry, With the way Kongpob's naturally is I think my parents will like him a lot, and eventually approve us as his parents did,"

He smiled at my confidence and patted my shoulder for good luck, we said our friends and get into the car preparing for an long ride. During the way we started to get a little hungry and I had the craving for my special you all know what it is...Yup My Pink Milk! I asked Kongpob for it But he said there's no corner shop or nearby fast food store to get it so I would have to wait until we find one closest to us.

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