Ch.1: Yummy!

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!WARNING! Before you read, this book may contain gory and triggering things. If you feel uncomfortable at the mention of blood or anything depressed/suicidal, I suggest you don't read further. If I can, I'll make it up to you with a different EJ x Reader :)

*When the letters are used with Italic and are in between asterisks, it means you have read (Y/N)'s thoughts* -Except for this part, just an example.

(When the letters are bold, and is in between parentheses ( ), It means it's an Author's Note in the middle of the chapter. I usually put an A/N at the end of a chapter, so don't worry too much about this one.)

When the letters are underlined, it means that I might be exaggerating the word/s or making the word/s more obvious.

Any other combinations of Bold, Italic, or Underlined font, it might mean that the word/s are over exaggerated.

*So crimson thick and!*

        This was it. This is the thing I live for. This is what I dream about every night I go to sleep. This, that I had in my hand right now, was blood, and my favorite organ, the kidneys. Whenever I go out to kill, I eat all of the other organs and save the kidneys for last.

        The metallic taste covered my entire mouth as I chewed on the flesh. I loved every single part of my job. I guess I didn't say, I'm an assassin. Of course, not just any assassin, I'm a cannibal. When my clients want me to 'take care' of someone, I don't just kill them and make them go missing. I kill, eat, hide the body, and repeat. That's the way my life goes.

        Unlike those Creepynoodles or whatever, I actually have a purpose to kill. I kill for people. I don't just do it for my needs or just for fun, even if I do enjoy it. Unless, I'm really bored and hungry of course, but that has never happened because my mailbox is always filled up with a whole bunch of requests to kill someone. I don't really know how they contact me, but they do. Somehow. My contract with my clients never break.

        If I had person A want person B dead, I'll kill person B. When person B wants person A dead, I'll kill both. That is, if they want each other dead. That's how my contract works. Whoever can get to me first, and want the other dead, I kill the person who got to me second. Then I'll go back to the first and kill them. Does this seem confusing? Either way, I get game, and I get to eat.

        About the Creepynoodles, I have a promise to keep with them. I am not to communicate with them, and they are not to communicate with me. Slenderman has made me commit to this so that we can keep our sides of the forest. The east side of the forest is mine, and the north side of the forest belongs to him and all of them weirdos. Then again, I don't really have the right to call them weirdos because I'm a cannibal...

        Anyway, back to my cannibalism, I had a request by someone that needed someone else killed. Getting up from the seat at the dining table, I walked up the stairs of my cabin in the middle of my forest. I walked inside my room and had myself change into my assassination clothes.

        They were just normal clothes to be honest. I'm not a full fledged assassin. I put on my (F/C) hoodie/jacket/shirt, (F/C) pants/jeans/shorts, (F/C) shoes/boots, (F/C) gloves, and my (F/C) mouth guard. My killing routine was simple. Nothing too difficult nor too easy.

        When I was just about to walk down the stairs, I heard a knock at my cabin door. After the knock, I heard it open. Since I don't usually lock the door, I just so happen to get visitors every now and then. I hid behind an object, big enough to cover my entire body.

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