Ch.9: The Mission

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"Psst. EJ. Wake the hell up, let's go!" I whispered shaking the sleepy body.

"Huh?... Why are we going back to your cabin again?.." EJ replied sleepily while getting up.

"I need to grab some things. Don't worry about it just, come on!!" I hurried.

        It was about 2 AM. I don't usually expect anyone to be awake at this time but you can never be too safe. I had the darkest clothes I could find for myself on so that I could blend with the darkness, although the dim-lit hallways didn't really help. EJ and I snuck our way out of the mansion and began jogging into the woods and direction of my house.

"Should we have some signal in case something happens to one of us?" EJ asked as we jogged.

"No, we should be fine. Just stick together or stay within yelling distance." I ordered.

        It might've just been me being self-conscious, but I felt his pair of eyes on my whole back side as we jogged. It felt uncomfortable but a part of me, the feminine part, wanted to show off to him. I have to admit, I only really chose him because I feel the most comfortable with him and because I like him. I'm not going to convince myself otherwise.

       There was something off about our surroundings. Something eerie that kept creeping into the back of my mind like a darkness slowly caving in. These weren't my part of the woods anymore. It felt so foreign, I refused to let my guard down.

"So tell me, how is it that you know Slender?" EJ asked, breaking the silence. At this point, we were getting near the cabin, so a bit of a story won't hurt.

"I'm not the best storyteller, fair warning. I met Slender one night when I was younger. He stood outside my window next to a tree facing towards me. I lived with my mother alone in that cabin, she knew him too. The following morning I asked my mom about him and she began telling me how this man saved her from these bad people that were trying to take her away. He protected her, and myself included. From then on I started talking to him, slowly, he became my friend. His brothers would visit and we would have so much fun. Then... and incident happened. My mother passed away and I just shut him and his brothers out... Anyway, Slender is an old friend of mine, I know that I can trust him." I told the short version.

"I didn't think you were that old, (Y/N)." He giggled, attempting to brighten up the mood after hearing about the passing.

"Shut up, I'm not old." I shoved him a little as he walked beside me. "We're here."

        My home looked intact. Just the way I left it. I hope the story was the same on the inside. I opened the door to a living room, dining room, and stairs leading up to the second floor. Glass was shattered from the TV. It must've exploded when the incident with the lights happened before I knocked out. Up the stairs. I needed everything I could grab.

"Just wait for me down here, you can make yourself at home, find anything that may be useful." I told EJ.

"What if I want to stick with you?" He asked with such a subtly flirty tone in his voice.

"Fine, just don't get in my way." I didn't want to sound rude, nor meant to. But I suppose I did.

"Lead the way." He gestured his hand up the stairs.

What is up with him tonight. Not that I'm not enjoying it, it just feels a little too unreal. Gentlemen like. Dreamy.... I grabbed a backpack and stuffed it with the things I couldn't leave behind and of course with some clothes of my own.
(Choose as many of the ones you like c:)

        Howling began to be heard in the distance

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Howling began to be heard in the distance. It was alarmingly close. I started rushing with everything that I wanted to bring, stuffing it all in there unorganized because I knew there wasn't much time before we weren't here alone anymore.

"EJ! We gotta hurry!" I whisper-yelled as he stood outside my room.

"You heard it too right?" He asked a bit panicked.

       We hurried down the stairs but we were too late to reach the door. I got tackled to the floor with a massive amount of weight pinning me down.

"For the love of god, not this again." I winced in pain from my injury.

        The animal growled and it's claws dug into my sides, not deep enough to bleed but enough to bruise it up badly... I suddenly feel the weight get pushed off of me. EJ had thrown himself against the wolf, tackling it on its side. He fought with the wolf and I slowly got up. I hurriedly looked for something to stab it with, thank god I kept weapons laid out all over for invasions like this.

I grabbed a pair of nunchucks that were displayed in an item frame on the wall. One handed wasn't really my style but I have no other choice. I helped EJ with the wolf, whacking it's head with the chucks, it gave EJ and opening to take out his scalpel and use it against the wolf. Jabbing the scalpel into it's stomach, a rush of blood came down onto him. A glorious scene of a harsh red rainfall.

"Come on we have to go!" I tossed the nunchucks to the side and grabbed EJ's hand pulling him up from under the wolf.

I grabbed a bag of kukri knives that were on a display shelf near the entrance to the cabin. It felt light, but I new I had to take some sort of weapon. More howling was heard and I saw a hoard of them heading our direction. I grabbed EJ by the arm and began running south of where my cabin faced.

        Three wolves ran in our direction, I took out my kukri's one by one and threw them at each of the wolves foreheads. Their bodies thudded to the ground as we ran past the trees, further into the forest. We ran in a chase in the dark where no visible place to head towards. As if the world wanted to say screw you, I tripped on a root of a tree and tumbled down a small hill getting covered in dirt.

"(Y/N)! Are you okay?!" EJ asked worriedly.

"I'm fine! I'm fine. There's a lake nearby, we should head there as soon as we can." I suggested as he knelt down to help me up.

"We can get there and wash-up, otherwise they'd be able to track us down easily." EJ said.

        We started jogging, following my lead to the lake. You could hear the calm waters of the night just up ahead. Crickets were heard and fireflies could be seen as their lights bounced around from one place to another. We stopped and caught our breaths.

I took off my shoes and socks and dipped my feet into the water. My feelings of stress and worry were washed away and all I could think about was how sad I was about my home. My cabin. Surrounded by beasts that I have no idea what they would want from me. In any case...

It wasn't home anymore.

-ˏˋ ˊˎ-

Word Count: 1243

Hey guys! So, I've been editing the past couple chapters in the span of the past month xD this is the newest chapter that has come out in a LONG while and I really hope that I don't fail you guys with the outcome of the story, and apologies for not having as much interaction with EJ this chapter. I hope you guys have a great day c:

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2022 ⏰

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