Ch.2: We Need To Talk

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Just after I had finished cleaning up my entire house, I went to an open area where it divided the forest. I usually go here to talk to Slender about some things. Things as in almost every time I sense one of those Creepynoodles in my side of the forest. Yes, I am a bit of a snitch. But only because I love being independent and I love my privacy. It bothers me when people disturb me. I find it really annoying.

Just a few minutes of waiting, the one man I had been meaning to talk to, had finally showed up. I'm not into him or anything, but I have to say, he did look attractive, even without features on his face. But enough of that, let's get to business.

"(Y/N). What a surprise. It's been a while since you've contacted me. It's good to see you." Slender said.

"Good to see you too. Indeed it has been a while, but let's get to the point. I'm not really sure who, but there were a few of your people roaming around in my cabin not too long ago. I thought you were keeping your promise, don't make me angry. We both know how ugly it gets when I'm pissed." I said.

"I have been trying my best to keep our promise. I had given you my word. I already have a thought on who the culprits could be. Thank you for telling me." He said.

"Great. I'll be off then." I said turning my back towards him and walking off.

"Wait. If I may, I want you to consider that we can forget about the whole promise thing. I'll happily give you a home at the mansion and make you feel welcome. My Creepypasta's are absolutely terrified of you. Well, not too terrified. Some are a bit cocky. Please. Take it into consideration. We don't have to divide the forest." He said.

"Sure. But don't expect me to answer right away." I said, finally disappearing into the forest.

On my way back, I did a bit of cleaning up the forest. I don't mean to brag or anything, but my side of the forest looked a lot healthier than Slender's side. Flowers bloomed at the root of tall green-leafed trees. I loved how lovely it looked around me.

I walked inside my cabin sitting on my couch continuing to read (F/B). It's a great book. Everything about it was very intriguing. Hours passed and I had finished the book. I stood up and went to go get something to eat. I opened my fridge looking for something tasty and fresh.

"Oh, look, there's the organs of that one boy that seemed suicidal. I actually felt bad for the kid. I bet he's in a better place now. Oh! And there's the organs from that abusive mother. I enjoyed killing her. Her blood was so soothing and tasty against my tongue. Hmm... Who will I chose to eat tonight." I said talking to no one in particular.

I took the heart of a little girl that seemed to be a spoiled brat. She definitely had a good taste to her as I ripped her apart, limb from limb. I remember clearly how I had encountered her. I give no mercy to anyone whatsoever. I broke into her house pretty easily. Her family was surprisingly rich. Though, that doesn't really explain how spoiled she became. I know that some rich people are definitely not spoiled.

I remember how I used to have a life. How I had parents and had friends. How I had siblings and people to talk to when I was down. Actually, scratch that, I didn't have anyone to talk to. I always felt distant and alone. I didn't rely on anyone no matter how caring everyone was to me.

Ever since I ate that one piece of candy a stranger gave to me, I became a cannibal. Cold blooded and merciless. I ate my family. My little brother. But I don't really care. It's like the only feeling I have are negative ones. Even if I were to have feelings again, I'm sure it won't be too soon. My caring self is locked inside a cage surrounded by my demons. The voices that follow me everywhere.

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