Ch.7: Questions

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"What is it now?" Slender demanded an answer.

"First off, how has your day been going so far? You seem to be in a foul mood." I said.

"What gave it away." He asked sarcastically.

"Well, the way you worded your words towards me, 'what is it now' indicates that you are bothered by me when in fact I have not asked to meet or have had any contact with you within the last three hours. So figuring out you were not okay and definitely bothered was a bit obvious." I answered as-a-matter-of-factly.

He gave big sigh. "It's my Proxy's. They're a bit off today, no, they've been off for a while now and I know the symptoms but I can't put my finger on it. If I knew as to why they are acting in such a way, or more simply, the name, I'd be able to fix whatever it is that has got them like this." he explained.

"And that's what's bothering you?" I asked.

        He just looked at me with those non existent eyes. Yeah, when I expected him to respond, it took me a while to realize that he was giving me silence as a response along with a head with no facial features looking right at me.

"Okay, firstly, don't get too worked up about something that may turn out to be nothing but a joke. Secondly, I came here to ask where I'll be staying and when I'll be able to get to the bottom of the wolf incident. Thirdly, how different are your Proxy's like?" I said.

"You know I get worked up about small things. As for where you'll be staying, you can pick an empty room that goes to your liking, furniture, design, and what not. Also you will not be anywhere near your home and will not wander off into the forest alone nor with anyone else to get to the bottom of the wolf incident. Lastly, the way Hoodie has given his first impression by, isn't how he usually acts at all, the way Masky went into your home and provoked you in such a way isn't what he turns out to be either, and lastly, there's Toby. That child has become more perverted than anyone else in the household." He answers.

*I shouldn't have bursted out so many subjects all at once, now I don't even know how to respond to any of the things he said without being focused on one.*

"Let's focus on your situations then." He suggested.

"Okay, how will I know which rooms are empty and which ones aren't? And I can't promise that I won't be doing anything to get an understanding on the wolf incident." I said.

"Then take our attic room, very comfy so I think you'll like it. And swear to me that you won't do anything stupid." he ordered.


"Hold that thought." He cut off.

        He disappeared out of nowhere. I'm not too much of a patient person so I just walked off to whoever I ran into on my way to my new room. Then again, I wasn't really expecting to run into anyone at all, but surprisingly, I ran into a guy with a lab coat, maybe just a doctor's robe? Well, more like bumped into him as I turned a corner, we ran right into each other. He looked like he was in a rush to somewhere. Not gonna lie, he looked pretty dashing, but, the fact that I can only see half of his face doesn't really give me the right to assume what he looks like. He wore a mouth mask with a big smile showing pointy teeth.

"My apologies." he said.

"It's okay, where you headed off to in such a big hurry?" I asked standing there, regaining my balance.

"I'm... Actually I wanted to see you, take a look at your wounds." he said standing up straight. He wasn't out of breath which could mean two things, he wasn't running for long, or he has very high stamina..

"My wounds had been already taken care of though, by EJ. I'm sorry, but, what's your name?" I asked.

"Ah, I see, did he give you any antibiotics for the poison? And my name's Dr. Smiley." he informed.

"No.. Poison? What are you talking about?" I was curious and suspicious, if I had poison in my system, I would've been affected by now, what's up with that?

"That dumbass. Okay, let's go to the infirmary, I'm gonna have to give you a few shots, luckily you're still alive and not... Let's forget about the outcomes, hurry hurry, we need to get those shots of yours." he said pulling me towards the infirmary, I took the time to scout my surroundings so that I can remember where to go. I have a very good sense of direction, it's a perk I had to pick up on my own.

-Time Skip-

        I was sitting down on an extremely uncomfortable chair but I decided not to say anything. I took a good look around me, I looked.... Disgusted. Things were unorganized, and some corners of the room were icked up by substances. The hell happened to this place to make it look so bad.

"After we're done here, I'm gonna clean this place up, it's disgusting, and I'm definitely replacing this chair." I said nonchalantly.

"That was a change of attitude- are you germaphobic or something like that? Or maybe bipolar?" He asked.

"Neither, what's wrong with just wanting it to be clean and organized around here? Never mind that, what's this poison you're talking about?" I asked.

He sighed first. "Werewolves carry a sort of venom in their teeth that they inject in their prey. Like venomous snakes. And humans are mostly the ones injected with this poison, their prey can be anything and/or anyone. This venom causes humans to start having intense hallucinations and paranoia. It really gets to your head. Not only that, but in serious cases, it can and may cause death. In rare cases, if you're 'worthy' to them, you become one of them. But the side effects for those situations vary between extreme hunger and acting in inhumane manners." he explained.

"Okay, this was really important to know, how come EJ didn't take action beforehand?" I asked once more.

"You'll have to ask him that yourself. I have no clue... Now-" he flicked the tip of the syringe "Let's get you cured."

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Word Count: 1083

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