"Well, it's Nothing...God Will Grant us All to Meet Again"

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"This is just awful!" Mashka complained. "I've been trapped in here for three months now."

"Write in your diary, deary, or go to the chapel." Mama told her. 

Maria picked up an icon: the Virgin Mary and Jesus. It looked like this:

Mama and Mashka prayed:

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Mama and Mashka prayed:

    *Theotokos, rejoice, Mary, full of grace,

The Lord is with thee. Blessed art 

Thou among women, and 

Blessed is the fruit

of thy womb, for 

thou hast given birth to the Savior

of our souls.

*I am not Russian Orthodox, but I managed get this off an Orthodox Wiki. I want to also give the religious feel of the Romanovs. They were very religious; they went to Mass frequently, and Olga and Tatiana became Sisters of Mercy, helping wounded soldiers in their infirmaries.

"Pray, my darlings. Pray to Him that we will get out of here." The Empress begged her children. "That's what I'm doing right now."

Her entry read:

*Yakenterinburg, 6/19 June

11 degrees, Wednesday

Beautiful weather. 18 1/2 in room 9.(.7).


Tatiana read to me Spiritual Readings.

Baby was brought to our room.

The children help every day in the kitchen.

1:00. Luncheon.

2:50. We all went into the garden.

4:50. Tea--cards, rested.

8:00. Supper.

Bezique with Nicholas.

*I took this from The Last Diary of Tsaritsa Alexandra, with an introduction by Robert K. Massie.

"I hope help comes soon." Alexei complained. 

"I know, Baby, we all do. All we can do is pray."

A/N-End of 10th chapter! I'm sorry for the long wait--school got in the way. :( But, it's summer now, so more updates, yay! I will also be updating Skinny tonight as planned. Happy 4th of July, everyone!

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