Chapter 4: Silence

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Unfortunatelly, there were no games that night. Football would've been a great excuse- George wasn't really interested in it , he could've disappeared into his room and no one would've questioned him. Will would've stayed in the living-room. Good for both, no elucidation for anyone.

You see, both boys secretly wanted to get away from one another but since they had to sleep in the same room it wasn't quite possible. Unless one of them convinced Alex or James to rearrange the rooms. However, they were not that petty nor had the sudden urge to explain to the others what had happened. Or discuss it with each other - no chance for the latter.

Will wasn't sure why the dinner got so awkward after they got mistaken for a couple. It was self-explanatory, really, but he thought their friendship was on a higher level than this. He was convinced they would laugh it off and let it slide, just like they've done it many times before- yes, gay jokes flew here and there and it never bothered George.

What could've possibly changed?

"Hey, love-birds!" James emerged from the hallway with plastic bags in hand, followed by the one and only Alex himself.

George was sitting straight on a couch, tapping away on his phone. Although, he seemed very stiff and unnatural in his place, James was too caught up in greeting Will to notice. 

"Hi, James. Haven't seen you for ages!" Will laughed accepting the other man's embrace, standing up so they wouldn't end up in an odd position.

"We brought Aperol!" Alex exclaimed and took out two orange bottles of one of the bags.

"When the alcohol is more important than you." Will huffed, rolling his eyes at Alex. "Come here, you ginger dwarf!"

"Not if you call me that!"

Instead of wrapping him into a hug, Alex ran away from Will flailing his arms around in protest. He quickly put down the bottles and sped-walked into his room with the other boy right on his tail.

The remaining two watched -mostly James, sith George's eyes were glued to his phone screen- in true amusement from the same couch.

A few seconds later the chase continued in the living-room. Nobody would've believed if they got told these boys were considered to be grown men. No one.

"It's late." George cleared his throat. "I think I might take a shower then hit the hay."

"This early? Well, if you feel tired, I'm not stopping you, though." James hummed, patting the smaller boy's back. "All the excitement must've worn you down."

Alex was on the other couch now, legs across Will's lap to annoy him.

"What excitement?" The aforementioned Geordie perked up with a smile. "My arrival?"


George didn't need anything else to be said, he got up, pocketed his phone, and without a word, not-so-quietly slammed the bathroom door behind him. Will wondered if he had spare clothes to change into in there or...

"What's up with him?" James asked concern lacing his voice as he stared at the closed door.

Alex shrugged, as if he didn't care, or more like it was nothing to worry about, and faked a smile. "Just tired."

But the death-glare he threw at Will said otherwise.

He seemed to sense everything right when it came to his flat-mate and the guy who had a crush on said flat-mate.

You better fix this.

Those words that were whispered to him by Alex half an hour before, lingered in Will's head as he put on his pajamas (boxers and a t-shirt, nothing too lame, don't question him) then came out of the bathroom.

The thing is, he had no clue how to fix it. Mostly because he didn't know how to approach the situation. What was the problem really? Why was George mad? Was he even mad or just moody?

Too many questions Will, too many. He shook his head, let out a sigh and slowly opened  the door of their room.

George was laying on his side, facing the wall, phone in hand once again. The lamp in his bedside table was the only light source beside the screen so Will cautiosly neared his own bed after quietly shutting the door behind him.

He laid down as well, pulling the comforter up under his chin. He got as comfortable as possible then turned towards his room-mate.

The words didn't come, though. Silence settled around them as George turned off his phone along with the lamp, making it harder for Will to act.

The wind softly pulled on the blinds, its inaudible noises coming through the open windows. A few cars passed on the streets, sending snippets of light into the room every now and then.  Will stared up at the pitch black ceiling in the dense darkness around him and let out a long deep breath that he didn't know he was holding.


"Yeah?" Rustling and shuffling signaled that the adressed boy was either facing Will now, or was also gazing at the ceiling.

"What's wrong?"



"Let me rephrase that. Is everything okay?"

"Not sure. Is it?"

That's not good. Not enough. Will thought trying to somehow form his words better so there wouldn't be any unneeded misunderstandings.

"I just wanted to let you know that.. That when I said we could pretend, you know- We were dating, for the free stuff, I was just joking."

"I know." Tone cold and monotone.

When was it not, though?

"I wouldn't pretend for that. No." A hard swallow. "But I wouldn't mind not pretending it."

The last part was so quiet, George could not catch it but before he could ask Will to repeat it, the other boy was speaking again.

"I wouldn't pretend that's all."

"Maybe for views, huh?"

"No. Because you mean so much m-more to me."

"Do I?" George's tone changed to a more playful, challenging one. His grin was audible, really.

"Yeah. And I'm not kidding at all." Will clarified, nodding to himself in the dark. "You are the best person to spend time with, just saying." His heart-rate picked up speed, he had to count to ten slowly to calm down.

This was risky.

"Lies." George chuckled and hugged his blanket closer to his body. "But, on a real though, I can say the same about you. I never thought we could end up being so.. Close."

"I know. But I like it." Will's heart beated faster for a different reason now.


"And George."


"Try not to get mad at me for what I'm about to ask."

Word count: 1109

A filler chapter with a cliff-hanger for all three of you who are reading this.

That's all.

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