Chapter 7. Tender Touches

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Three churches, an opera-house and a museum later the boys were knackered. The day had begun pretty pleasantly since the morning sun was lovely and the temperature pleasureable. James wanted to make the most out of their remaining two days in the Italian city, hence why they were this active.

It was currently four in the afternoon when Alex decided it was more than enough 'culture vulturing' for the day. He just needed a bath and some lasagne- was that too much to ask for?

"For once he is right." George admitted as he sat down on a curb, desperately trying to conceal a small smile forming on his lips.

He's been doing that ever since he'd told Will he would give him a chance. The latter boy treated him like royalty from the minute they woke up - on a level that wasn't too outrageous of course, he didn't want Alex and James to notice the change in his behaviour.

He served him breakfast in bed -cheesy as it sounds he did- croissant with Nutella and orange juice, just like he loved it, then kept opening and closing doors for him wherever they went. When they bought more souvenirs he offered to carry George's plastic bags,  and he even provided him umbrage by standing in the right place so the sun wouldn't reach him from different angles. Boys above six foot were really gifts, George thought when Will did it again.

Back to the present, George's agreement recieved a row of hums and a disapproving shake of the head from Alex. He was always right, okay?

After they'd  found a restaurant and enjoyed their meals, a brilliant idea popped up in Will's head. He suggested that they should visit an aqua park when they were ready with dropping their new purchases in the holiday-house and got dressed.

So that's exactly what they did. They made it to the aqua park easily by cab, all geared up in their swimming trunks, ready to use all of the slides one by one. Except for George. He wasn't too keen on the idea of sliding down monstrosities like those slides. One was called kamikaze for God's sake.

He told the boys he would go for a swim in the pool specified for swimming only. He claimed it was the coldest of them all -true that- and he needed to cool down anyways.

James and Alex took off almost instantly when they parted, leaving Will behind. He stood between two pools, the one with the huge slides and the kids one. His gaze travelled to the swimming pool further away, watching as George carefully climbed in. He took one last look at the tempting slides and with a mumbled 'fuck it' followed George into the deep, freezing water.

"Hey." He caught up to him swimming in freestyle until he fully reached him and changed to breaststroke.

George leisurely floated on his back when this happened so he had to stop his relaxation and  paddled in one place to keep himself up in the water, head out.

"Hi. What are you doing here?" He smiled and swam to the side of the pool so he didn't have to keep up the hard leg work.

The pool wasn't too deep where they currently were, Will could  easily stand on his tiptoes and his head was still out of the water. He walked to the side as well, resting his chin on his arms whilst looking at the other boy.

"Keeping you company." Will shrugged and watched as water dripped down on the side of George's face from his wet hair.

They were both wearing sunglasses but that didn't stop them from seeing each other's eyes. George's were half-lidded due to his exhaustion, as Will's were widened without intending to make them that big.

According to scientists our pupils swell when we are looking at things that we like. They weren't lying when they said that.

"Thanks, but you should be sliding down those." He motioned towards a vast red slide and a slightly smaller green one. "It was your idea in the first place. Go have fun."

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