Chapter 12: Content

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The sky was bright light blue, a few clouds scattered on the horizon as three different type of music danced around the boys in the air. The sound of a brass band mixed with bass guitars and drums was carried by the wind - it was hard to separate them.

George was in a rather joyful mood ever since the Fall Out Boy concert happened. He really did receive a confidence boost by the girls who complimented them and supported their relationship, even though they were complete strangers. The latter fact warmed the small boy's heart.

Since the motel they'd ended up staying in was a bit rusty, the thought that crossed his mind the night before, disappeared as fast as it came. They could wait until they get home. Totally.

Back to the present, the dirty blonde  didn't mind the expression of their relationship in public anymore. This may sound weird, but he actually was terrified of anyone seeing him with a boy hand in hand before. Now he didn't give a damn about what other people thought of them. Who were they to judge anyway?

(quick pause: now I think that George has brown hair in real life- judging by the Campcast vid- but for the sake of this fic, I will not change that. He'll stay dirty blonde for now. Maybe in another story...)

So he did the unthinkable right before they arrived to the gate of the festival. He reached up for the  hand of the boy on his left, and with a swift movement, loosely intertwined their fingers. Will looked down at their conjoint parts, then quickly back up at his boyfriend with a raised eyebrow and a small smile.

"What?" George chuckled, and squeezed Will's hand. "Can I not hold your hand in public?"

They kept on walking, nearing the gates and security check.

"No. You can of course. It's just that- you never do." Will shrugged, lifting his free arm to show his wristband to the lady who was repsonsible for the entrance. "Not complaining though."

"You better not." George gently shoved him towards the security guards so he didn't have to be the first to go through the gates.

He hated security checks. There was always something that was objectionable for the guards or  something that made the gate ear-splittingly beep.  Sometimes his belt buckle, sometimes a suspiciously big phone.

This time fortunatelly there were no difficulties so they were in the festival area in no time. They'd discovered the day before that there was a fair collection of fairground rides of the east side of the territory. So although, the concerts they were effectively interested in were only going to star around 9 pm, they arrived at 6 since they wanted to check those out.

Nothing like a rainbow coloured, massive ferris-wheel and fairly pink dodgems -bumper cars- brought back childhood memories. No spinny things though, they didn't want to be sick then.

"Who gets there last is gay!" Will shouted, taking off towards the rides after letting go of George's hand.

George only shook his head at his antics and walked that approximately three meter route they were supposed to race on. Meanwhile Will was already dealing with renting two bumper cars for half an hour.

When the Geordie was finished with his 'organization' he turned to his boyfriend who stood in front of him with crossed arms. He flashed him a victorious smile and beckoned towards the man in charge with the cars.

"Really, Will? That's an insult?"

Will needed a moment to process George's words before he spoke again. "Oh no, I just wanted to see if you ran to deny the truth."

"I didn't, or did I?" George's mouth curled into a huge grin as he followed the worker to the dodgems.

A few other people were waiting at the cars, and they'd already picked theirs.

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