The old lady

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Normal POV:

You laugh while Bob hits the old TV as you cook with Percy. "Lord as my witness, Bob, one of those days, that thing's gonna hit you back," Percy says. "What are you talking about, Percy? We got a special relationship here," Answers the other man. "Yeah, they got names for that kind of relationship," Jokes the one-handed man. "Yeah, toxic," You say as you continue to laugh.

At that, you let Percy do the rest and spies on the people in the restaurant, your favourite activity. You may not be the best at social interactions but you have to admit that you are good at reading people and love it. Today, there are three persons, a family apparently. The teenager seems to be in a rebel phase. They are here because of bad choices she made, judging by the way they act around each other, but she doesn't seem like a bad person. The parents give off a bad vibe though, especially the mother. You look at the daughter as she listens to music and the parents talk to themselves. Then, the father turns to her. "Audrey, honey, your mother was wondering if you got dressed this morning with the specific intention of showing your ass off to the entire world," He says. You frown as the girl now known as Audrey turns to her father. "Yeah, that's because I got up hoping I could get double-teamed by a couple of meth-head truckers in some bathroom of a desert shithole. It's a good thing we got stuck here," The teenager answers with sarcasm before turning back to the machine playing music. "Oh god, family drama," You whisper.

A bit later, you turn to the door as Charlie and some black man walk in. Curious, you stare at them from the kitchen. You then realize that Audrey looks at him seeming interested while her mom looks like she's going to kill him. The guy looks at them, looking a bit confused with the mom's stare but amused by Audrey's interest. "This won't end good," You whisper to yourself. Charlie goes behind the counter and you stay at your spot in the kitchen but watch the scene. "Hope Salem Lights are all right. That's all we got left," Says the blonde girl to the man. "Charlie, where you been?" Asks Bob while approaching the group. "It's not a resort, we got orders stacking up. And you best not be smoking again. A girl in your condition," He continues. "Bob, do you see where I'm at right now? Can my condition really get any worse?" Answers the girl. "Besides, you ain't one to talk," She says while putting the money the guy gave her for the cigarets in the cash register. "What? I quit two years ago," Says Bob as he walks to the kitchen. "Yeah? So why are you still carrying that fancy lighter around then?" Challenges Charlie. "It's a gift from my ex-wife. I'm sentimental. I wanna remember how much I hate her guts." You laugh when he says this but quickly stop when the black guy starts to talk. You're still interested in the reason he is here. "Hey, man, you got a phone I can use? My cell phone ain't got no reception. The phone booth outside is busted," He says but gets interrupted by the father from earlier. "Excuse me. Is there any news about when our car might be fixed?" At that, you sigh and go outside to get Jeep, knowing he's probably doing something that has no connection with the car that he is supposed to be fixing. Going into the garage, you see him cleaning a crib. "Jeep, I know what Charlie means to you but we really need you to fix that car," You calmly say to him. He turns to you and looks worried, probably thinking about what his father is going to say. "Now, I won't tell Bob what you were doing but you have to at least try to fix the car, Alright?" You say this with a smile so he knows that you are not mad. Sighing, he thanks you and starts to look at the car. Back in the restaurant, you tell Bob that Jeep is looking at the car right now and goe back to cooking. Bob and Percy are talking but you can't hear them. You start having flashes. They are so fast that all you can see are a few images. One of a cloud of insects, one of a destroyed city, dead people, there's blood everywhere. You start to panic and run to the bathroom. You splash water in your face and look at yourself in the mirror. You suddenly have this feeling of dread and can't shake it off. It's probably just my imagination, you think to yourself. Deep down though, you know that this is not going to be a normal day.

Going back to the kitchen, you see an old woman walk into the restaurant. You frown, getting bad vibes from her, like, really bad vibes. "Have a seat wherever you want, ma'am. Specials are on the board," Charlie says to the old lady. When she goes to give her the menu, the new customer says that she already knows what she wants. You just stare at her still frowning. This lady is just making you really uncomfortable and makes you want to throw her out. While you are thinking, the old lady takes her order. "Percy, can I go outside for a bit? I don't feel so good," You whisper to him. "Sure," Percy answers.

Outside, you start walking back in forth in front of the door. You really don't feel good right now, as if you are going to throw up but won't at the same time. "What's happening to me?" You ask yourself while frowning even more. After a while, you walk back into the restaurant and act like everything is okay while inside you are truly panicking for no reason. "-you know about what's going on," Finishes Audrey's mother. Confused,  you look at the old woman, wondering if she knows what's going on. "Oh, you don't have to worry about that, sweetheart. It will all be over soon," She says. You immediately start backing up scared. Something is wrong with this woman, you think. Panicking even more, you scream in your head "DOES NO ONE ELSE SEE THIS!? AM I CRAZY!?" but only frown in real life as you back up to the kitchen. You then see that the old lady is staring at you with a somewhat surprised look. Creeped out, you go in the back to help Percy. You see Jeep and Bob talking but decide to change your mind by softly singing to yourself so no one hears you.

(stop at 1 minute 26 seconds)

Right as you stop singing, Charlie walks passed you pissed off. You immediately look up at the old lady who says that all the babies are going to burn. "Gladys," Audrey's mother starts. "Shut up you stupid fucking cunt! All you do is complain, complain, complain!" Interrupts Gladys, the old lady. "What?" Says the woman's husband. In the back, Audrey chuckles. You look at Gladys while the man, now known as Howard, get's up. "-I'd like you to apologize to my wife," He starts but then Gladys bites him in the neck! "Howard!" Screams his wife. You stare in pure horror as Gladys flips the table and screams that you are all going to die. Percy throws a pan at her and breaks her neck but she just gets back up! Everyone starts screaming as Gladys climbs on the roof, Bob shooting at her but missing each time. Then, she jumps in front of him and hits him so hard that he gets thrown across the room, the gun landing in front of Jeep that takes it as Gladys slowly walks towards him. Then, you go back to your senses and throw a knife that actually stabs her in the back! Angry, Gladys turns to you and starts sliding towards you in some supernatural way. You close your eyes but then hear three gunshots and when you open them, Gladys is dead in front of you. You turn around and see the black guy with a pistolet in his hands, smoke coming out of it. "Thank you," You whisper before turning to Howard who's bleeding a lot. His wife is panicking but the guy goes and partly stops the bleeding, saying that he needs to go to the hospital. What is happening, you ask yourself.

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