you again?

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hey guys! sorry its been so long but my bf broke my computer! im using it hooked up to my tv so ican see the screen!!





“what are you doing here?” he sounded like he was crying. I saw some thing shiny drip out of the corner of my eye and I looked at where it came from.

“ALEX!!! YOUR WRIST!!!” as I said that I could see him falling in slow motion at that same time I jumped up to get him.

“Alex please! don’t!!” I took my shirt off and ripped off a piece to wrap his wrist… “please Alex!”



Alex p.o.v.:


I was wondering in this black oblivion, unaware of everything that was going on….. that’s when I heard the cry of my name……


“ALEX PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE ALEX WAKE UP!!” the crying pleaded.


The voice was so beautiful. I knew that voice… but who is it? My mother? no she wouldn’t care. My sister? No she’s in England….

I opened my eyes….. It was her… the girl from school. I found her lying on my bridge before I blacked-out.

“ALEXX!!!!” She screamed embracing me tightly

“what are you doing here, Jessi??”

…… she fidgeted a little and her beautiful brown hair fell over her face.

 “Jessi?” I asked leaning up a little and brushed the hair out of her face.

“why did you try to kill yourself?” she asked avoiding my question.

“answer me first.” she avoided my eye contact. 

Jessi P.O.V.

"w..wh.. what are you doing here??" a raspy voiced Alex asked again.

I jump alittle, alex slowly pulled his arm away and i wiped my face of the tears i was crying.

"i...i.." i started to cry again

he hugged me. he hugged me really tight

" It's gonna be ok, lets get you home its getting chilly" he stood up.

i just sat there like the idiot I am. He slowly put his jacket on my andpicked me up. his arm made me feel sosafe like when my brothers would put me to sleep.

"I miss my brothers." i accesenrly said out loud, i quickly covered my mouth not meaning to say that.

'wait how is he carrying me if he just passed out from cutting himself??'

"put me down"istarted wiggling not trying to hurt him."please just put me down!!"

"but why?" he asked confused

"JUST PLEASE!" i nearly jumped out of his arms and ran.


it was to late I tripped, i tripped hard toppeling down a hill i could hear Alex yelling after me but i just couldnt stop! i felt cold all over my leg had a splitinjg pain all down it! why didn't i just listen? why couldnt i just let him do what he wanted?! i wouldnt be in this situation if i would just listen to people... and watch where iwas going! well its not really my fault, its really dark out here!


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