Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:

It’s amazing how every time I visit Justin house, it always seems to amaze me.  Grace and I let ourselves in the mansion like house and walked into the kitchen where we heard Justin whistling. “Hey there good lookin, what’s cookin?” "Emily! It’s so good to see you! Its been forever!” Justin said while practically running across the kitchen and pulling me into a big bear hug. “I’ve been good but I’ve missed you so much! Im so glad you’re back! We have to catch up! Oh and Grace is back too, it’s so nice to be together again!” “Okay Emily, I think he gets it, you missed him loads. Now stop before you make yourself cry, you know I can’t stand crying.” Grace hissed at me. “Awe, is somebody mad that they didn’t get a hug? Come here Hun, let’s turn that frown upside down.” Justin released his hold on me and started walking towards Grace with his hands out ready to hug her. “Damn right I’m pissed I didn’t get a hug! Just because you haven’t known me as long as you have Emily, doesn’t mean I don’t consider you my brother!” Grace complained while returning Justin’s hug.  I rolled my eyes while letting out a little laugh. My two best friends where moody dorks, and I loved them.

After we said our welcome backs and such, Justin invited us to a restaurant to catch up. We were all starving so we immediately agreed.  “Where are we headed to Biebs? Can we go somewhere where there’s chicken? Please!?” I was practically begging, but I honestly love chicken and if I had to beg Justin to take us somewhere where chicken was on the menu, I would do it with no shame at all. “Okay, Okay! Gosh Emily, youre lucky ive known you for so long or else id kick your cute little booty out of the car.” “Justin! I’m ashamed! Why are you looking at my butt!” I laughed while putting both of my hands on my thighs. “And for your information, my booty isn’t little, it’s the perfect size! Hell Justin, Kim Kardashian herself, is jealous of my sexy boo-tay!” Justin and Grace burst out laughing and where almost in tears by the time we got to the restaurant. “OMG! Justin! This is Niall’s favorite restaurant in the whole entire world!” Grace yelled. She got out of the car before it came to a complete stop- which I was not okay with, not safe at all!- and ran inside the restaurant before Justin and I could say a word.

Once we were inside Justin and I got a table to sit while Grace explored the rest of Nandos, “Well Justin I must say you have done a splendid job of pleasing both me and Grace.” Justin let out a little chuckle. “Emily, I need to tell you something but im not sure quite how to.” “Oh come on Justin we’ve known each other forever! You should know by now that you can tell me absolutely anything.” I noticed Justin was starting to get nervous and that made me a bit worried. “Come on Justin, spill it!” “Well, while I was on tour I met this girl, and I think we got really close but I don’t think shes into me.” “Oh my gosh! My Justin is growing up! What’s her name? Where does she live? What does she look like?” I squealed at the thought of Justin having a crush. I was super happy for him but something deep inside me felt wrong and hurt at Justin’s words.

What the hell?


Vas Happenin my sexy kittens? I hope you enjoyed chapter 4!

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