Let's battle!!

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"Hi there!"
"Hi there!"

(M/N)'s POV

Today is the day me along with the other rising IDOLS will be grouped for about 2 years and even if I'm grouped we are still required to perform alone at times. I adjusted my shades and went in.

'This is just a stepping stone to my goal'

I went inside a large room and I see a lot of IDOLS. I scanned the area with my eyes and I counted all then idols and there is 50 including me.

The announcer called our attention
"Hello everybody! We are now announcing the teams for the World Tour"

I never paid attention to the announcements until I heard my name being called

"(L/N) (M/N) come up here as the leader of the group Spectrum "

I went up on stage and saw 4 guys.

'Well then it's war for all 10 groups'

"Okay Spectrum go backstage and the leader will pick a card to find out which country you'll be stationed in"

We went backstage and that's where they introduced they're selves to me.

(A/N: it's Last name then First name so you read it below)
"Ah I'm Naruse Park 16 years old! Please take careful me senpai!" The guy with orange hair introduced then bowed

"I'm Izuku Lee 16 years old, I'm gonna do my best senpai!" The guy with yellow hair then bowed

"I'm Komurasaki Zen 16 years old, I won't disappoint you senpai!" The guy with black hair bowed

"I'm Tenya Gray 16 years old, I will be in your care from now on!" The guy with brown hair then said

It's now my turn I then introduced myself
"(L/N) (M/N) 18 years old. I hope you guys have what it takes to be an IDOL!" I say while grinning at them. Taking off my shades they're eyes widened to see my eyes.

'My eyes always attract a lot of attention so I'm used to this'

I walked towards the box and took out a card.

'Paris huh?'

I faced them and said

"Pack up everybody we're going to Paris!"

Then they celebrated. As the eldest I already know that we are suppose to go there next week.

"Everybody we'll be leaving next week. So see ya soon" I waved at them while walking to the exit.

Then I heard cheering and I listened to what they're talking about me.

"Can you believe it! The (M/N) is going to be our leader!" I hear Zen shout.

"Yeah he is the best at writing songs and he even choreographs his own performances!!" - Park

"Have you heard his voice he can even sing in a girl voice while using his real voice to make it sound like a duet!!" Gray

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