Welcome to Paris

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(M/N)'s POV

"Dibs on the window seat!" A yellow haired male yelled

"No way I was the one who was suppose to seat there!" The black haired answered

"I'm fine with that as long as I get to seat next to (M/N)-senpai!!" An orange haired then declared.

"But I was the one who got dibs on it first while we were in the car!" A brown haired boy said.

Right now we're at the airport and our flight will be boarding in about an hour, so here I am sitting scrolling through my phone to see that The Neon Music Industry already posted where all teams are stationed. And it's ranked one as the world's most viewed post.

"You guys have already check in where you guys are going to stay right?" I asked them. I informed them about that 3 days ago

"Yes we're going to stay at my Cousin' mansion!" Lee said.

"Great to hear that and the industry will text us in a week for our music video and you guys are going to high school so be sure you guys won't get distracted from studying"I informed them and they all nodded

"Senpai where are you going to stay?" Gray asked me.

"I'm also going to stay at my cousin's house and go to this college so we can practice and talk about our first song at Friday afternoon " I told them.

Marinette's POV

I'm here at my room with Alya because she is going to inform me about something.

"So Marinette it is said that today (M/N) will be arriving today!! Here at Paris!" She squealed.

"No way! The (M/N) as in the IDOL!!"

"Yes and he will be staying here for about 2 years to debut with his group The Spectrum!!!" She said excitedly.

We them heard a knock at the door.

"Come in!" I said

The door opened to reveal my Mom and she looks really happy.

"Marinette I came to inform you that your Cousin will be arriving today to stay at our house for a while so I was thinking if you could go out and get some (F/F) for his arrival, if you want to that is" She said (F/F means Favourite food)

"Yeah sure Mom!" I answered

"Thank you sweetie and have a good day!" She then closed the door.
'Where do you even buy those?'
"Hey I know where to get (F/F)!! There's a place that sells those near school" Alya told me.

"Really!? Thank you for a while I thought I was going to look around the whole city for it" I smiled

TIMESKIP (A/N:starting in this very part italic means speaking Japanese or Korean depends on the reader's preference, normal means French)
(M/N)'s POV

We finally arrived at Paris and let's just say that the plane ride was tiresome. But hey at least there was free food!

"Are you guys going to get picked up here in the airport?" I asked them

"Yes and don't worry about us we will be together most of the times anyway" Park told me.

"That's good to hear text me if--" we were walking while talking and I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and I bumped into somebody.

"Woops sorry about that I wasn't watching where I was going" I said in French.

"Ah that's okay no harm done" the blonde said now that I realised it this is Adrien Agreste.
'He looks cuter in person and he's blushing so cute!'

I faced the group again and continued.

"Now as I was saying text or call me if there's any problem okay, I have to go bye!!" I waved at them and started walking to the exit.

"Be safe senpai see you on Friday!!" The four shouted.

'Wow I can't believe my first day in Paris and I already met the famous model'

Adrien's POV

Father told me to pick up my Cousin in the airport which made me excited. Since it's been so Long since I saw him. He was the one that taught me how to speak Nihonggo/Korean. I Guess I wasn't paying attention to the direction I was going and I bumped into someone.

"Woops sorry about that I wasn't looking where I was going" the guy said. I looked at him to see that the boy looked like my age and he's (E/C) eyes are so mesmerising. He was wearing a face mask so I didn't identify him.

"Ah that's ok no harm done" I replied feeling myself blushing.

And then he spoke Japanese/Korean and since I'm not that fluent the only words I can figure out was text, problem and bye.

Then I finally saw Lee and 3 guys as they shouted something in reply to the guy I bumped to as he left the airport.

"Lee Long time no see bro!" I called him for attention.

"Adrien wow look how tall you are now knowing that already older than me you must've grown 5 inches or something!" Lee said.

(M/N)'s POV

I took a taxi and showed the driver the location and we were on our way. I took my face mask off and started looking through the social media. Then suddenly the taxi suddenly pulled to a stop. I quickly put back my face mask and wore some shades.

"We're here sir!" The driver said I gave him about $200 so yeah I gave him like a $150 tip he thanked me and I got out.

(A/N: You are rich!! While I am broke)

I looked at the place and see that their bakery is selling well. I went in to see auntie Cheng on the counter I went to the counter and greeted her and she seemed like she doesn't remember how I look like so I took the mask off along with my shades.

"Hi Auntie!! How are you?"

"(N/N)!! It's been so Long come I'll show you to your room, you must be tired from your flight right?"

"Well I sort of have gotten jet lag but I'm fine!"

We went to my room, she told me to rest because layer we will be having (F/F)!! She left me alone in my room so I started unpacking.

Taming The Cat: Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now