A New Face

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(M/n)'s POV

Hmm it seems that my dear cousin is one of the France' s infamous hero duo. What was her name again..?

"Oh my girl!! You didn't tell me the M/n is your Cousin!! Hi there my name is Alya and I'm the creator of the Ladyblog! And we're huge fans of you sir L/n!"

"Ah! It's a real pleasure to meet fans of mine! Well Alya, hope we can be friends while I'm here!"I smiled

(Author-nim: LMAO the last time, I opened this draft was November 2020, now it's July 2022

My writing style has changed the past few years, so I'll probably be rewriting the first few chapters, I hope you don't mind ಥ‿ಥ

Will also be changing the name of the book and description, some tweeks and stuff)

'So her name is Ladybug huh? Being a hero must run in the family' I thought, holding out my hand towards her best friend for a greeting.

"Your blog is quite popular, it's one of the first things that popped out when I searched for this place" I complimented,

"Well you know, almost everybody here is interested about ladybug and chat noir!" she explains sheepishly, giving me a proper handshake.

"I can see that you have a bright future as a journalist or a reporter" I grinned before facing my cousin... Who still has her mouth open, "Marinette, right? I've heard a lot about you, look at how much you've grown"

I gestured to her, but it seems like, she's still out of it and she did not hear what I said.

"Marinette?" I wave my hand in front of her face, before giving her a pat on her head.

"Sweetie, you'll get flies in your mouth, if you don't close it" I chuckled, pinching her cheeks. It's so soft and mushy, very comforting.

She seems to snap out of it as she closes her mouth and, "M/N!??" screech my name

"Shhh we don't need to let the whole country, I'm here" I put on a worried expression, flicking her forehead with my hand, "I don't have any bodyguards to protect me from a tidal wave of people" I continued jokingly

"I can protect y- I MEAN, I'm so sorry! I'm a huge fan- NO- WE'RE HUGE FANS!" She was stumbling with words, while I watch her in amusement. As she was starting to realize her slightly embarrassing situation, I decide to cut her off.

"Well I'm glad that my favourite cousin looks up to me"

"She's your only cousin (M/n)-" Auntie Cheng piped in

"I hear that you're a designer, maybe you can make my clothes sometimes- of course I'll pay for it" I offered, since I genuinely liked her style and I know that she understands what I need. I think the offer was her last straw since she fainted...

"Uh Marinette?"

The remaining conscious people in the room, looked at each other. The best friend of his cousin doesn't know if she should laugh or be in disbelief.

“I'll take her to, her room” I volunteered


Marinette's POV

Hm? Was that all a dream? I looked around to see that it's dark outside and I'm in my room. Oh no! I'm going to miss night patrol, I quickly got up and looked around for Tikki.

"Tikki, where are you?" I called out to her, slightly whispering since someone might hear me.

Then from the walls, appeared my kwami, Tikki.

"Hi Marinette, are you alright? You fell pretty-" She started but I was more worried of being late for the patrol than whatever happened earlier.

"Sorry Tikki, no time to chat! We have to patrol, Tikki spots on!"

I did my transformation sequence, and ran out of my room through the window. It's Ladybug's time!


Third Person's POV

Unbeknownst to the hero in red and black, a (tall/short) figure was standing near a window underneath the shadows.

“She didn't even eat dinner” The figure sighed, entering his cousin's room and placed down a plate of pasta on her desk.

After exiting her room, he decided to go out for a walk in the city of love for some musical inspiration. Taking his wallet and wearing his face mask, he headed out of the bakery through the window.

(They're really related, always using windows than the door 😔

Door: 🥺)

He let's out a quiet laugh, using the walls to slide down.

“What a lovely night” He sung out, feeling the cold night wind, brush on his face as he walks down the silent streets of Paris. With the occasional vehicles, couples, and group of friends passing by, he let his feet take him to a bridge.

His (e/c) eyes, twinkle as the street lights reflect on them. He let's out a satisfied sigh, feeling relaxed with the serene atmosphere and insects mating around him.

His ears perk up when the sound of faint footsteps coming from two people, seemingly creeping behind him. His familiar with who, owns the first pair of footsteps, but he is unaware of who could own the other pair.

“Ehem excuse me sir” A high pitched voice, called out to him.

He looked behind him to see the famous superhero duo, which consists of his cousin and this stranger.

“Hm? Pardon me, am I intruding?” the superstar with (short/long) (h/c) and bright (e/c) eyes, tilted his head and asked.

“Nope not at all! My lady was just worried you might get mugged by some thugs-but that doesn't happen often, here!” The blonde cat, didn't want to make the man fear their city, so he quickly changed his words.

“It's not that safe to go in unpopulated areas, but don't worry, since we're here we can protect you (M/- I mean sir” Ladybug declared, like she wasn't going through a panic attack 5 minutes ago because what happened earlier wasn't a dream and (M/N) is really her cousin. Her cousin is a really talented and popular artist, some crazy fans might recognize and ambush him.

“Well I'm quite lucky to meet and be protected by the infamous superhero duo” (M/n) thanked the two as he takes his mask off, which stunned the blonde superhero, “I'm (M/N) but you can just call me (N/N), it's nice to meet you!”

(M/N) waved his hand with a smile on his face. Chat Noir didn't know why, but he wants to remember this scene forever.


Hi guys, author-nim here!
It's been 2 years since I last updated this and I'm here to announce that I'm picking this story up again!

With a new cover and title, which I will be uploading after this chapter gets 10 votes. Thank you so for being patient with me!

 Thank you so for being patient with me!

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Author-nim out! >:D

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