Chapter 12

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Niall's POV

"Well where the hell did they go?" I ask Julia.

"Amanda got a call saying her parents where in an accident, Harry went with her. John and them flew over there." Julia explains. I pick up my phone and dial Amanda's number.

"Hello?" She sniffles.

"Amanda. what the hell happened?"

"They are gone Ni." the sound of her crying breaks my heart.

"I am so sorry love. We are all going to head over there for the funeral alright?" I ask her.

"It isnt for a couple days."

"That doesnt matter we will get there as soon as possible." I mouth 'go pack' to everyone else.

"But Maranda is coming to see you tomorrow." Amanda sighs.

"I dont care, I will be there soon love." I tell her.

"Thank you Ni."

"Anything for my best friend." I hang up the phone.

"We all have to fly to the states, again for Amanda and John's parents funeral. Go pack if you want to come." I tell them leaving Liam's and heading to my place.

Unknown POV

Niall and the rest of them get to the states as soon as they could. As soon as Niall saw Amanda outside at the airport he crashed his lips onto hers like it was the first time they had kissed. He didnt let go of her until more people gathered around them. He rushed her over to the car that will take them back to the hotel. Zayn had called them and said they needed 4 more rooms on the same floor. Since Zayn Malik was calling the hotel of course they gave the rooms to them.

Niall moved Amanda's stuff into his room. Harry was very mad about that but then gave it up. He knows deep down that he has to let Amanda go. He wanted those two to get together so he could be right about their feelinsg for each other.

Amanda is still really upset about her loss. She rarly sees her brother even though he is stay in the room next door. He is having a really hard time with this. Niall goes to talk to him every once and a while but he usually sent him away.


"Mummy can I go see the boy next door?" I ask her.

"You mean Niall? Sweetie, he is a year and a half older then you." She sighs, picking me up.

"That is okay! I'll bring Johnny! He is 3 years older then me." I smile at her.

"I dont know sweatheart"

"Please mummy? He is really cute." I giggle.

"Sure, go get Johhny. You can't go unles he goes with you." She puts me down and I march my 4 year old butt to his room.

"Mummy says you have to come to Niall's house with me." I smile at him.

"Only for you Mandy." He sets down the remote and walks over to me. I talk about random stuff on our short walk over to his house. My brother knocks on the door, Niall's mum answers it.

"Are you guys here for Niall," we nod, '"He is up in his room, I will lead you there." At the time, his house looked so much bigger because i was so short. Once we got to the door his mum told him to play with us.

"What is your name?" He asks my brother.

'John, but my family calls me Johnny." He tells Niall.

"I'm Amanda." I tell him. John gets distracted by something in Niall's room and walks over to it.

"You are a girl." He giggles. "Girls usually dont come in my room."

I get sad and start to leave his room, but he pulls my hand back. "But you are a pretty girl so you can stay." He smiles then shows me his leggo collection.

Amanda's POV

"Hey Niall?" I ask him, sitting down next to him.


"Do you remember the first time we met? I smile.

"A little bit, why?"

"I was just thinking about it. I remember my mum saying I was too young to hang out with you so I had to bring John. So we went over there and you almost kicked me out of your room." I start to laugh even more.

"I remember, good thing I didnt." He laughs a long with me.

"Then you called me pretty and let me stay."

"We were so cute back then."

"I know we were. I remember my mum saying we were gonna get married some day." I look down and play with my hands thinking about how she can never see that.

"Hey," Niall pulls me closer to him, "just to make your parents proud I would marry you."

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