Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 

*Conner's PV*

I just Can't get her out of my mind? Its killing me. Argh stop it Conner she is just another girl that goes to your school and your only mad because Tyler went against the broes before hoes rule. Well I never even liked him.

There was a little knock at my door ''Conner?!?''

''Can I come in?''
''Hm depends princess, whats the magic password?''
''You are the best big brother in the world and you are very handsome!''

''Come on in princess''

In comes Lucy my weakness and the only girl I love in the world. You may be wondering who she is well that is my little sister. Shes 9 and she is so beatifull, she is going to have boys running after her when she gets older. 
''Conner, do you want to play with me?''
''Sure princess, what do you want to play?''

''Uhm.. Aha can we play dressup Conner, pretty please?''

Ugh she knows I hate dressup. The things I do for my princess.

''Go get your stuff than we can play.''
She ran to her room and started finding her stuff. I heard footsteps, but they weren't Lucy's. They were sadly my fathers.
''Conner, I'm taking Lucy to the babysitter, your mother and I are going out and I don't trust you to leave her here with you''
Anger was the only thing i felt. I slammed the door in his face. I was the only one who payed any attention to my little flower. 

Suddenly Lucy came bursting into the room crying. I broke down seeing her like that i hated when my father yelled and he probobly yelled at her because she would have protested to go to the babysitter instead of staying with me.

''Con why can't i stay with you? Don't you like me?'' That sentence broke my heart even more. 
''No princess, daddy just doesn't trust me to have you here alone with me. You of all people should know that I love you more than anything and that I would do anything for you. You are my little flower.''
She smiled at that and I knew my job was done here, cause I made her smile again. 
''Lucy we have to go know!'' My cunt of a father yelled from downstairs. 
Lucy hugged my goodbye and told me she loved me and then she ran downstairs to go.  

I lay there staring at the ceiling and didn't want to think more about what happend earlier, so I called Jason and the guys over. I told them that they should bring some girls and some alchol since it was friday and we didn't have school tomorrow I was going to get wasted so I could forget about my so called father and Tyler. 

*Hope's PV*

''Come on Hope you have to come!'' 

''Faith, I don't know. I don't feel like partying tonight.''
''Thats it you are coming and I don't care what you say, plus its not like a real party just a get together.'' 

She hung up the phone and I knew i had lost the argument. Well I could at least make myself pretty if I was going out. 
I found my black skinny jeans, White tank top and my leather jacket, simple and classy. Well now to my hair and makeup. I redid my simple makeup and added a little red lipstick and curled my hair again. I found my black converse cause I was so not a heel person. 

Well better get going before Faith kills me. I texted Tyler while waiting for the adress from Faith. 
Me: Hey Ty;) You also going to some get together at some dudes house?:) P.S. I had fun today, we should totally hang out some more.

Ty: Uh depends where is it Babe? ;) 

Me: Don't call me babe. Well I don't know my friend Faith told me some dude named Daniel invited her and her friends(me) to another guys house:') 

Ty: Oh yeah i'm going, are u?:)

Me: Yes, I was forced by the monster named Faith. :(

Ty: Well lucky you i will be going. :)

Me: You are my lifesaver! See ya in a bit Ty :D

                                                         *Convo over*

Faith had texted me the adress and I was know on the way to boredom. Ugh i hate this. I arrived at the adress and gues who was the first little face I see. Yeah you guessed it Conner.  I was about to turn around until Faith came and started squealing in my ear about how happy she was that I actually came.
She started dragging me up to the door. God this was going to be a loooong night, I can feel it.



I know I know its boring.. The fun starst in next chapter. Well imma go now have fuuuun.

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