Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

*Conner's PV*

Jason got all hyper when I told him I wanted to gather some friends at my house and get wasted. Well anything to get my mind away tonight. Almost everbody was here, we were going to be 15 people including me. I had a list in my head who was coming and it went like this.





Faith and 3 of her girlfriends. (some chick Daniel knows) 

Mark (jasons big bro) 

Chase(Jasons big bros friend)

Carly (schools slut) and her 2 minions'

Kevin and his twin Karl. 

That was the list in my little handsome mind. Well better get the music pumping and find the alcohol to get this party going. 

I was satisfied with how i had found all my beanbags and got all chairs and sofas together in the game room, where we were going to be probobly the whole night. I was cut of when I heard the doorbell ring.

I quickly made it to the door where Jason was smiling like a little kid on christmas eve. 

''Lets get this party staaaarteeeed''

''Oh god Jason how much did you already have?''

''Just a little bit''

God he was drunk. Well that was the point of tonight wasn't it. 

Soon almost everyone was here except Faith and one of her friends. I heard a motorcycle stop and there stood the one and only Hope Summers giving Faith(i think it is, haha idk)  a death glare. Suddenly Faith started squealing about something and Hope turned her way to the door and saw me. She was about to turn around and walk away but Faith stopped her and dragged her literaly dragged her inside my house. 

God this was going to be a long night. 

-Later on-

''So who is up for some truth or dare?'' some chick named Alice I think asked. 

We were all a little wasted when she asked so everyone actually agreed. I think the only one sober was Hope. Whateeeevs. She is actually really hot tonight. Stop mind you are wasted. Don't think about her. 

''Yeeeees'' Almost everyone yelled. 

Before we could begin the doorbell rang and I actually ran to the door to see who it was. I was furious. It was Tyler standing there smirking proudly. 

''Heard you had a party going on?'' 

''Yes, but you were not invited.''

''TY!'' Someone yelled from behind. Before I could realise what was going on Hope was hugging the life out of Tyler or should I say Ty. 

''Hey boo'' Tyler said while snaking his hand around her waist. 

''Don't call me that''

''Why not babe.''

''Cause i'm not your boo nor your babe''

This was actually kinda funny.

''Well you will be soon baby girl'' She froze when he said that. She started squirming and wanted away from him, he just held her tighter. She was about to cry but why I didn't know. But one thing I knew was that I was not just going to stand there and look anymore.

''Leave her the fuck alone Tyler.'' I snapped at him.

He looked at me wide eyed. ''This is none of your buisness dude, so just chill the fuck out and leave us alone.''

''No. You are in my house. And actually literaly hurting the girl. If you couldn't see that.'' 

He glared at me and while he was doing that Hope ran out the door and to her motorcycle. Before I could stop her she had sped away without another word.

*Hope's PV*

Oh god no. Stop Hope he is gone. He can't hurt you anymore. I cried and cried. All memories flooded to my mind. He would never stop haunting me, even if he was not in her life anymore. It was his fault she had all those scars on her body. 

My cellphone started ringing. I quickly stopped my baby and answered.

                                                *Phone convo*

Me: Hello? 

Melissa: OMG Hope. Where are you? What happend? 

Me: He's back Mel. And its haunting me even more than before. 

Melissa: Nonono Honey don't think about him he is not here anynore he is long gone now.

Me: No he isn't. He will be there everyday and everytime of my life cause that is what he does and want. He wants my life to be a livnig hell.

Melissa: Hope, Where are you i'm coming to get you right now!

Me: it doesn't matter i'm almost home. See ya tomorrow.

                                        *Phone convo over*

I just hung up on her. I needed to get home before anything got worse. 

I finally got home. I unlocked the door and ran upstairs to my room and locked the door. Tears were running down my face and I didn't care anymore. I lay down in bed and for once in a really long time cried myself to sleep that night.



Hiiii:) You may all be thinking what her big secret is well. That is only for her Melissa and me to know. Well you will find out later on in the story this is just a little start on it. 

Well i hoped you liked it:) 



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