Chapter 6 Meeting Him Again

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Monday, June 26, 2006 at 11:00 a.m.

Prodigy 🌁🌁

        I looked at the time on the nightstand next to me and saw it was eleven in the morning. I can't believe I slept that long. But that's beside the point in my mind, right now I'm going down to that prostitute house or headquarters to go find Ray. I looked over on the right side of the bed and pictured Ray sleeping next to me. I would love to wake up next to him every morning. I can't wait to go get him and bring him back here. I smiled and got up out the bed and went to go take a bath. 

        I got dressed in something casual and hopped in my red Camaro. I drove down to the corner of Farnsworth and Highland Drive where Ray usually stands. When I got there it looked like a ghost town. No one standing on the corner. No one walking in and out the building. Nothing was here except for very few people walking. Maybe they were being kept inside for the day. I turned off the car and got out. When I got to the door it had yellow 'Do Not Cross' tape all over it. What is going on? I ignored it and tore through the tape and opened the door. I walked in to find it abandoned. It looked like no one was in here.

        "Hello?" I called out. No one answered. "Hello?" I called out again and no one still answered. I walked completely inside and took a look around the place. The furniture was still in here, but there was not a living soul in here. I started looking around in all the rooms. No one was in them. I checked the closets and there were no clothes in them. What the heck happened here? Did they just up and leave the place?

        There's no use in looking for Ray anymore. I don't know where else he could be in New York. I just have to face the fact that what he said in the letter is true. I walked back to the front and was about to walk out the door until it slammed shut. That was crazy, it must've been the wind. I try to open it, but it wouldn't budge. I keep struggling to open the door until I felt the room get cold all of the sudden. I turn away from the door and look around. There was still no one in here. It felt like I was in a scary movie.

         I felt a tap on my shoulder that made me jump. I turn around to see a guy standing there holding a baby. His eyes were closed along with the baby's. This guy looks very familiar, like I had seen him before.

        "Hi there. I don't mean to be a bother, but can you please let me out of here?"

        He opened his eyes and started to talk. "You don't remember me do you, Craig?"

        "Wait, how do you know my name?"

        "Remember, I was the guy you beat up the night you were drunk? The time when I took the beating for Ray from Pimp Daddy?" I thought longer about what he said. Flashbacks started occurring and the more they started to occur, I finally figured it out.


        "Yeah, now you remember."

        "I...I thought you died."

        "I am dead, I just haven't crossed over yet." When he said that the baby in his arms started crying. Roc started rocking the baby trying to get it to go to sleep.

        "Roc, why do you have a baby with you?"

        "Because he's my child."

        "What?" How could Roc have a child? I never even known him to have one.

        "Yes, he's my child. I was pregnant with him the night Pimp Daddy killed me." This was starting to get more confusing and dark the longer I stood here. How could Roc, a man, get pregnant? This made me wonder if Ray could get pregnant too. Plus how could Roc take the bullet for Ray, but without him Ray probably would be standing in front me like this right now.

        "But Roc, how could you get pregnant?"

        The baby stopped crying and Roc placed him over his shoulder to sleep on. "I had a rare disease where my body allowed me to conceive children. I didn't know about it until Pimp Daddy didn't use protection one night and got me knocked up." This was awful to hear. How could Pimp Daddy kill the father of his own child and the child itself?

        "Wait, did he even know you were pregnant?"

        He sighed before answering. "No, he did not. I never told him because he would make me abort him. Of course he would figure it out, but I had plans on getting out of here and taking Ray with me before he could, but as you can see that never happened. Now I feel like I can't leave here, which is what I wanted to talk to you about."

        "What are you talking about Roc?"

        "I mean I can't leave this building until I see Ray again. The night I died the last words I said were 'I love you, Ray.' That wasn't the last time I wanted to see him like that ya know? Being held at gunshot. So the point is I can't crossover until I see Ray one last time." My heart was breaking the more he talked. How could all of this happen to him? He wasn't that bad of a guy to be with. And I would love to get Ray back here, but if only I knew where he was.

        "Uh, Roc? I would love to get Ray back here, but the thing is, he left New York."

        He looked at me with a discomfort look on his face. "What?! What do you mean he left New York?! I mean I do remember the guys packing up and leaving out of here, but I didn't know Ray would take it that far." When he said he remembers the guys packing and leaving, that caught me.

        "Wait, when did the guys pack up and leave?"

        "They left the day after they found you and put you in the hospital. Ray came back and announced Pimp Daddy's death and said they could be free. But before they left they buried me at Grover Park. I would've gone, but I couldn't see myself go like that and I couldn't see the sad looks on Ray's face anymore." I officially felt my heart drop to my feet. I was a few seconds away from letting tears fall.

        "Roc, I'm so sorry all of this happened," I say choking up on tears.

        "Don't be sorry. None of it is your fault, and plus everything has already happened. I just need you to go find Ray. Don't give up on him, I know he still has to be in the country somewhere." I still had no more plans on finding Ray. I'm not going to go check every perimeter of the country, but I don't want to hurt Roc. I couldn't make him any promises, but I couldn't tell him no either.

        "Roc," I sighed. "if I ever bump into Ray again, I'll make sure to bring him back here." He smiled widely and gave me an one armed hug.

        "Thank you so much, Prod. Just please don't give up on him."

        "I won't, Roc, I won't," I said lying to him.


And SCENE!! Here's the sixth chapter of Me, Myself, and I. What do you guys think? Excuse me for any errors and if the ending of this chapter isn't all that great.

So do you guys think Prodigy really gave up on Ray or nah? And that's my only question because it's 4:04 a.m. where I am so as I always say:

Vote, comment, spread something (anything but STDs), ooh na na look what you done started, and DEUCES!!!

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