Chapter 23 Sorry

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Saturday, July 22, 2006 at 6:52 p.m.

Ray Ray

        Kye visited me yesterday to talk about our day and more about the case. He left today and won't be back until next Saturday. I didn't tell him about my talk with Prodigy and might not ever tell him unless I'm ready. Prod may know about Kye, but I don't need Kye to know about Prod yet or maybe even never.

       The talk at the beach yesterday has really been the only thing on my mind. I didn't want mean to blow up like that, but when he brought up Roc I couldn't deal with it. Roc was really the only one that stood by me whenever I went through my ups and downs. And bringing up Roc also brought up what happened in my mind that night and that night didn't deserve to happen. All of us know it didn't deserve to happen. 

        I sighed and fell back on the couch thinking about what I should do. I didn't want to talk to Prod right now because I know he's mad at me and doesn't even want to talk to me either. I need someone to talk to who understands the whole prostitute ring and I think I know who. I picked up my phone on the table and dialed Rose's number telling her to come meet me at my place in about an hour, which she agreed to. 

        About an hour later like I said she was here. I finished cleaning up the place, made sure I looked descent and went to go open the door. 

        "Hey, Ray," she said and gave me a hug.

        "Hey, Rose. Come on in." She came and sat down on the couch and soon after I sat down next to her.

        "So what did you want to talk to me about?" 

        I sighed because I didn't want to do this but Rose is my last hope. "I need to talk to you about Roc." Her face fell when I said his name.  She wasn't there that long but she kind of has a feeling of Roc was like.

        "Oh," she started. "well you know I did only know him for two months and even then I barely knew him, But I knew how much he meant to you after that night. Is this all you wanted to talk about?"

        "Well, no. It's not just about him, but it's about another person who has to do with Roc."

        "Really? Who?" I started explaining everything from who Prod was to the talk we had on the beach to me going off on him. When I was done explaining everything, she had a look on her face that said 'are you crazy?'. "Ray, come on now. This is about your best friend. I know that all may sound weird to you and trust me, it sounds weird to me too, but I don't think he'll come to you with all this just to try to ruin your life down here. And I know talking about Roc is stil a touchy subject but maybe Roc needs help and not only Roc but Craig too. And you are all they have left to help them. "

        "I don't know, Rose," I said and looked down.

        She sighed, "Ray just hear him out. I'm sure what he's saying is not only going to benefit  Roc and Craig, but you too. I don't think you've let go of New York like you said  to Craig and maybe going back and confronting where you were for the past two years is the best thing for you. Call him later on and see what else he has to say." I thought about it. Maybe she's right. If I still get touchy and go wild on the subject of Roc then something's wrong with me and I need to fix that. 

        "Rose, you're right. Thank you so much." I hugged her and she hugged back.

        "You're welcome, Ray. Anytime." We pulled away from each other and sat there in silence for a few more moments until her phone rang meaning she got a call. She got her phone from her purse, looked at the caller ID and hung up immediately. Well that was strange, but I think I knew who that was. 

        Her phone rang again and this time she ignored it completely. "Uhh, I'm guessing that is one important phone call," I said. 

        "Oh it's no one important," she said waving her hand. The phone beeped this time meaning she got a text. "Uhh, Ray I got to go," Rose said getting her stuff and getting from the couch heading towards the door in a rush. "I hope everything works out with you and Prod."

        I got and walked towards the door with her. "Thanks, Rose. Bye," I said giving her a hug and she hugged back. In an instant she was out of here. I bet that was Ronnie who kept calling her and sent her that text.  

        Rose's words ran through my head as I went into the kitchen to fix me something to drink. Maybe Roc needs help and not only Roc but Craig too. I walked to my phone that was still sitting on the table and dialed Prod's number. He didn't answer and honestly I felt hurt, but I guess that makes us even. I placed my phone back on the table and laid back on the couch. 

9:37 p.m.

        My phone rang as I was knocked out on the couch sleep. I got up and looked to see it was Prod. I wondered what took him this long, but that was beside the point.

        "Hey, Prod," I said yawning.

        "Hey, Ray, I see you called earlier. Sorry I was busy with something. What did you need?" 

        I bet he was busy with Ross and enjoying Miami while he could, He does have to leave in a few days. "I just called to say," I sighed and continued. "I'm sorry about yesterday. I didn't mean to blow up on you like that. I got touchy when you brought up Roc and now I actually believe you about what you said. I was hoping if you could meet me tomorrow at my place so we can finish talking about the subject."

        He fell silent on the phone for a moment, but I heard him whispereing to someone else. I bet it was that guy I saw him with at the club that night. "It's okay. I can understand the relationship you had with Roc. But yeah I can meet you at your place tomorrow."

        "Great." I gave him my address and the apartment number as he was still talking to the other person.

        "Thanks, Ray. I'll see you tomorrow," said Prod.

         "Okay, bye Prod." After we hung up, I tunred off the TV and went to my bedroom and laid back on the bed thinking about how the rest of the conversation is going to go. 


Hello people of Wattpad. Here is the twenty-third chapter of Me, Myself, and I. Where is the time going with this story? But trust me, this story is far from over. 

Now how do you guys think the rest of the conversation is going to go? You guys tell me but as for me I don't even know. 

Oh has anyone heard the song Uptown Funk with Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars? I heard and I thought it was a song from the 1970s until I looked to see who it was by. Just saying,

Well it is 11:32 p.m. where I am so as I always say:

Vote, comment, spread my stories around for me please, If he give it to you good and he keep that lovin' hood, and DEUCES!!!

Me, Myself, and I (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now