Chapter 18 Sloppy Kisses

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 Tuesday, July 18, 2006 at 3:29 p.m.


        I, was kissing my own best friend. Right about now I should push him away, be mad at myself for making that move. Throw myself up against the wall because he's getting married soon, but instead, we're still here in the moment enjoying each other's lips. This is one of those cliche moments in the movie where it feels so wrong, but it feels so right.

        His lips were soft and angelic. The kiss never got heated, we just sat here kissing. We finally pulled away a few moments later looking at each other like 'what the hell just happened?' We just sat there starring into space blushing our butts off. A second later he must have snapped back into reality because his eyes went wide and he got up from my bed standing up.

        "So," he said clearing his throat. "we're going to look for Ray tomorrow right?" He asked trying to change the subject even though he was still blushing behind it.

        "Uh, yeah, yeah we are," I answered. The room was still silent for a moment. That moment that happened a few seconds ago still rushed though our minds. I knew we both wanted to speak, but instead both of us just went on with our business on separate sides of the room.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006 at 6:38 p.m.

Ray Ray

        Kye and I were sitting on the couch watching TV. We had nothing to do so he came over to my place. As Kye was laughing at the TV the only thing running through my mind was if I was ready. Ready to for us to do it. I must have been zoned out too long because I felt Kye shaking me.

        "Ray, are you okay? You look deep in thought."

        "Uh-uh yeah I'm fine," I replied.

       "Okay," he said not sure and returned to the TV and putting his arm around my waist scooting me closer to him. He started laughing at the TV again and that's when I couldn't take it anymore. I leaned over and put my lips to his hard. He immediately responded back and put me on his lap. I started grinding on him making moan through the kiss and making his hands down to my ass. He squeezed it making me moan also.

         He pulled away from me and laid back on the couch. "Now that was one amazing kiss, but what was that for?"

        "Kye I'm ready!" I immediately exclaimed.

        "Ready for what?"

        "I'm ready for you to make to love me." He didn't say anything for a few seconds, which had me worried until a smile appeared on his face.

         "Where's your bedroom?

        "Or we can do right here on the couch," I said and started kissing on him only for him to flip us over and pin me to the couch by my arms.

        "Whatever you like, babe," he says in my ear and starts kissing it making me moan. We started grinding against each other and shedding each other of our clothes. When we were done he lifted up off me and looked me up and down. "You have one nice body."

       "You're not so bad yourself," I said rubbing up and down on his chest. "You got a condom on you?" Instead of responding he reached down in his pants pocket and pulled it out putting it on. "Oh you been waiting for this day huh?"

        "Actually, I have," he laughed and laid back on top of me. "Are you sure you're ready?"

        "Yes I am, Kye."

        "Are you a virgin?" Oh shoot, I don't want him to find out just yet.

        "Yes I am. Just take it easy on me."

        "You got it." He entered me slowly and it hurts. I know it's been a while, but I didn't know it's been that long. After a bit, I started to feel less pain.

       "Oh my goodness, Kye move please?" He started moving slowly and it felt like pleasure. I started moaning and I guess it was sign to him telling him to speed up. He did and I was going crazy. We both started to get louder. I was grabbing on to everything but his back.

        "You can grab my back if you want to, babe," Kye moaned. I grabbed his back and immediately started to scratch it up. He didn't look too much in pain, but more pleasure in his face.

        About an hour later we moved to the bedroom I sleep in most of the time. I was ready to release and so was Kye because I felt him swell up.

        "Kye, I'm finna release," I said.

        "Me too." I felt him cum in the condom as I came on his chest. He pulled out of me and threw the condom in the trash and laid down next to me, putting his arms around my waist. I was beat. Kye put in work. I was breathing like I just ran a marathon. "Daddy put in work didn't he?" I heard him ask.

        I turned around and punched him lightly on his chest. "Shut up," I said laughing and so did he. We laid there for a little bit until I started to get sleepy. I felt my eyes closing and they were almost shut until I felt a kiss on lips.

        "I love you, Ray." I heard those words before I fell asleep. I don't know what I was thinking, but it sounded like those words didn't come from Kye.


Hello everyone out there in Wattpand Land!! Here is the eighteenth chapter of MMI. I said be on the look out because this next update would be coming out soon. I hope you guys like (or LOVED) it!! I thought this chapter wasn't my best, but I tried my best.

But anyway, school is going great for me so far. What about you guys? In fact who had their homecoming already? Mine was last week.

Well anyway, this is all I have to say. It's 2:53 a.m. where I am so as I always say:

Vote, comment, spread something (anything but STDs and Ebola), you got me sayin' hello hello hello hello, and DEUCES!!!

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