Chapter 19 We Meet Again

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Wednesday, July 19, 2006 at 1:46 a.m.

Ray Ray

        I open eyes and see the room was dark, the only light coming from the time on the cable box in the room. I looked at it and saw it was 1:46 in the morning. How long have I been sleep? I start to move around only for two arms around my waist pull me closer to his bare chest, waking him up.

       "Mmm, Ray what are you doing up? You want a round two?" He asked sleepily and even though I couldn't see I could feel that smirk on his face.

        "No I don't want round two no matter how nice that sounds. I just happen to wake up."

        "Well whenever you want round two let me know. What time is it?" he asked and started kissing on my neck.

        I moaned, "Uh-uh one forty-seven."

        "Mmmm, you sure you don't want round two?"

       "Yes, I'm sure now go to bed," I said playfully pushing him off my neck and laughing. "But, you never know, you might get it in the morning."

        "Oh really now?"

        "Yeah, go to sleep and it could happen." In a second he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me on top of him, kissing me and making me laugh.

        "I love you, Ray."

        "I love you too, Kye," I said and then we both fell back to sleep.

9:26 a.m.

        I woke up flat on the bed wrapped up in the covers and not in Kye's arms. In fact, he wasn't in bed with me. I sat up and looked around almost getting nervous until he walked in the room with his boxers on.

        "Good morning, Ray," he said and came over to me kissing me on the lips.

        "Good morning, Kye. Where were you?"

        "That's what I came to tell you. I got up and started cooking breakfast for us, if you want some."

       "Well aren't you sweet. But you're going to have to carry me. My legs hurt like hell." He snickered a bit and then came over to carry me out the room until I realized I didn't have anything on. "Wait, I'm still naked. Where are my boxers?"

        "Ray, I've seen your body last night. You don't have to be shy around me." He carried me out the room and into the kitchen part. He was about to set me down in one of the chairs by the island until I stopped him.

        "Hold up, I am not sitting in the chair naked."

        He kissed his lips and rolled his eyes playfully. "Seriously, you have got to live a little. Just walk around in the buff for a day. I mean it is your apartment and it is just me here."

        I thought about it. I kissed my lips and told him to put me down in the chair. He turned back around and started fixing our plates. As he was doing that I couldn't help but to look at his ass and think back to last night. I will admit he was huge, bigger than all the guys I slept with. I was still in thought until I heard Kye say something.

        "I can feel you looking at my butt. You're thinking about last night huh?" he asked as he set my plate in front of me. 

        "Uh, yeah I was. You were great, you know for me being a first timer," I said lying through my teeth and taking a bite out of the eggs. 

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