Chapter 4

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I took more time to pray than usual. Asking ALLAH for the help and to guide me to the right path.

After that I decided to go to the nearest Mart so that I didn't had to face Faraz 'the idiot' right away. I needed some distractions.

I was glad that Rani had stopped accusing me of wearing a 'Hijab'. When I started wearing it at the age of 12 she just asked me not to wear it but I told her I'd rather wear it or I won't go anywhere out without wearing it. After all i've learned that 'Hijab' is a beauty of a women or I would say more like a 'jwellery' to her. She pretty much threatened me to cut my hair if I didn't obey her but more to my aveal I threatened her that I would run away from the house and would never come back. As of a 12 year old girl I was pretty much stubborn and I meant what I said so she let it go and allowed me to wear it. As I was being home schooled I didn't had to worry about those harsh comments of me being modest. My sir told me about it all, that girls were sometimes bullied and teased for wearing a 'Hijab' but they never gave up and continued wearing it. Eventually, those people stopped bullying. We should stay strong for the sake of ALLAH.

I peeked from my door and only saw few servants working here and there. No sign of Farz.

-Thanks to Allah

I slowly opened the door, walked through it and out from the portion of the house where I lived. The house was pretty big and I had to walk for almost five minutes just to reach the main gate. I didn't understand, why they bought such a big house for only three people, counting Faraz out because he was always living in South Africa.

By the time I reached the main door I was breathing deeply. Thats the reason why I was so in shape, with all the house work and walking around in such a big house. I didn't like too much big houses if there are only few people to live. I think it makes family fall apart.

I looked around and saw that mystery gate at the far end of the house's side. I was not allowed to go even near that gate. Sure I was curious sometimes and tried to go there but there were always a guard. Never letting me in there.

-ridiculously big guard

I turned around and opened the door and it made a loud scratchy noise. I then went out and was almost about to carry on to my way but I heard a car horn which was definately Faraz's car. I face palmed my self. Why? Oh Why I decided to go out! I was better in my room locked. I then turned around giving him my best fakest smile.

-Why can't he just leave me alone?

He rolled down the window of his new car ever so slowly that I wanted to put both my hands and jump up and down untill it's fully stuck in that place and would never roll up.

"Miss me?", he asked and I almost wanted to spit on his smirking face.

-he seriously doesn't care about his family jewels, I think if he tried that early stunt again I would definately hurt him badly, he won't be able to recover from it.

-Stay blessed :)

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