Chapter 8

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-Why my head was hurting so much?

I tried to open my eyes but it was like glued. I tried again and groaned in irritation when it didn't open. I spread my hands and felt a very thin material till far and than my body was laying on something really soft and comfortable.

-'My bed wasn't that soft and I can't be in Rani's.....'And than it struck me.

-Ya 'ALLAH'!

My eyes instantly opened and I shoot up in a sitting position but when I tried to get off the bed my legs were stuck and I felt an extreme pain. What I saw shocked me to no end.

I was chained, my legs were chained. I didn't want to believe it. I didn't want to feel like the way I was feeling. I wanted it to be a dream, a bad dream and when i'll woke up I'd be in my old life atleast I was free there but than again they let me be free so as to got me chained in future.

Few tears threatened to came out from my already burning eyes but I blinked them away. There was no use to cry. I so badly wanted to blame all of this on 'ALLAH' but there was my inner voice called out and told me 'This all hardship is not because He hates you but because He loves you and you are from those believers who are closer to ALLAH, you have to believe in Him and ask for guidance, peace and help from Him.'

I knew it was all what I've learned from the books and what Mr. Azam taught me.

I took some deep breaths and thought of how would I pray without 'Wudu'. I was contented that my scarf was still covering my head. I debated on to pray without 'Wudu' or not to pray. After debating for minutes I remembered something, 'Tayammum'( dry ablution), yes! thats the option if we can't perform 'Wudu' with water. I then did 'Tayammum' and decided to pray in the direction which was appealing.

The room was dimly lit and walls were all bricked with old look, same, as it looked from the outside. In the middle was the bed and only a wooden chair at the far corner of the room. Nothing else, not even a window but two little holes at the top of the walls one was at the top of the wall back of me and the other was in the front top of the wall i was facing, above the door.

I started praying and was soon lost in it.

After a while I heard the door opened and I quickly looked at that way. That same man from earlier came and stood in front of me. He then pointed a gun at me and motioned me to backed a little, keys in his hands. I mentally rolled my eyes at his stupidity.

-'yeah right show me the gun and I am not going to take out mine which I was hiding in my maxi.',I thought sarcastically.

He opened the chain and told me to stood up but as soon as I was trying to stand I fell on the floor groaning in pain in my ankle.

"Hey!...stand up and come with me, I don't have all day. Boss is waiting for you to see and approve of you. Don't be a dramatic bitch! STAND UP NOW!",he snapped at me.

-His boss? 'Ya ALLAH' help me.

I stood with shaky legs and followed limping on the way. The mansion was no doubt big, scary and confusing. The man's pace was so fast that I lost myslef two times on the way and the fact that I was scared as hell wasn't helping me either and my legs were a cherry on top.

Finally that scary man stopped in front of a big, brown and old gate. We entered and I smelled Alcohol which made me want to puke. My Uncle used to drink so I knew how it smelled.

"Sir, this was the girl I was talking about she is a fine piece and completely 'Pure'",that hadeious man pointed towards me and I then looked at the way he was facing and saw the most giant man I've ever seen in my life. He was wearing a black one piece cloth which was all black. His beared was rough and dark. He had a smirk on his face and he had a long mark of cut under his ridiculously large and grey eyes.
He than laughed and after two long strides he was in front of me.

I instantly backed and almost tripped but got my balance in the nick of time. He circled me as if for observing. It was the most uncomfortable situation I was in.

"Fine piece and 'Pure' huh?",that giant man clapped his hands and continued,"Great job Tom! Let her learn our clothing work and then I will see what I can do to make a proper use of her or maybe i'll keep her for the better fish, who will be trapped real soon"

-I was officially doomed!.

My wattpad wasn't working properly and i had to login for almost 10 times and finally it worked and i wrote this story for you lovely readers.

Its 3:15 AM over here but thats ok i can stay up and write a chapter just for the people who are actually taking their time out and reading it.

Thank you! :)

The first one who would give me the correct answer to this question would get the dedication of the next chapter. So here's the question

Q)¬What is the name of our Holy Prophet?

I know its easy but i would ask a question in every chapter and it will become a little bit tricky in every other one.

No cheating =P

Please pray for the people of Gaza. :'(

-Stay blessed!

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