Chapter 3

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Jungkook's POV

School has ended and I am heading back home. I asked Yun Hee if she wants to come over now or she wanted to go home first and she said she wanted to go home to change up. Jin Hyung would only be back at 4 since he needed to meet up with his club members.

Yun Hee

Yun Hee: Jungkook, can I have your home address? I am heading there already

JK: *Address* If you are lost just give me a call

Yun Hee: Alright

"Why do I feel so nervous that she is coming over?" I thought out loud. I feel guilty for not telling her about Jin Hyung being over though but I have no choice but to do that.

Yun Hee's POV

I took a cab to Jungkook's house since I wasn't sure about his neighbourhood although it was around the corner. A few minutes later I reach his doorstep and press the bell. He opened the door and asked me to come in. To be honest I was nervous since it was only Jungkook and I alone in the house.

"Jungkook, where are your parents?" I asked since I didn't see them.

"They are in Japan for a business trip" he replied as soon as I asked as if he planned that sentence. I just sat on the couch as he went to the kitchen to take drinks before starting on arranging our choreo.

"Jungkook-ah I am back!" a familiar voice shouted as he opened the door. I turned towards the door and to my surprise it was Jin. I just went blank don't know to either be mad or annoyed or what.

"Hi Yun Hee!" Jin greeted me while giving his signature blow kiss and I just rolled my eyes while making a disgusted face. Maybe I was annoyed that Jungkook didn't even tell me that Jin was staying at his house.

"Hyung didn't know you would be home this quick since you said you would be home at 4," Jungkook said glancing at me. "...and Yun Hee, I am sorry that I didn't tell about Jin Hyung staying at my house" he continued while his eyes look as if he was guilty. I have to admit that I don't really hate Jungkook after all since he is kind and doesn't tease or bully me except for the fact that he teases me and Jin. Other than that, he would not tease or bully me. Well, I guess the other boys too, it was Jin who I hate the most since he bullies me a lot.

"Yun Hee, shall we start?" Jungkook asked as he waved his hand in front of my eyes. I didn't realise that I was daydreaming.

"Oh... ya, sure," I said as I get my attention back to reality. We discussed the song's rhythm and tempo before thinking about the choreo. The song was slow and have a pinch of a quick tempo and Mr Seo said that we have to do a couple dance. We took about an hour on planning the choreo and then try it out with the song. I personally love this song (the song is I Need You). I was getting tired from all the work and I guess Jungkook is too.

"I guess we are done with this assignment. The only thing is that we have to practice the dance again to make it smooth when we perform next week" Jungkook told me as he gives out a sigh of relief.

"Yeah, I guess we have done all the planning already. I will take my leave now, I am pretty sure you are tired. Annyeong!" I told him since I wanted to get out of that house already. Being under one roof with him makes me feel annoyed already. After I waved to Jungkook as he waved back I walked out of the house.

It was scary to walk home alone since it was late. I am afraid of the dark and this neighbourhood is so dark as if there weren't any streetlights. Suddenly I felt as if someone was following me. Naturally, I fasten up my speed and I was eventually running as he kept on following me. All of a sudden I felt someone pulled me by my wrist and covered my mouth with his hand. I thought it was the guy that was following me and I struggled to get away from his grip. His grip was tight and I gave up thinking that I have no hope of surviving but when he let go I look at him and it was..... "Jin?" I said with my eyebrows furrowed.

I hugged him and said, "Thank you so much for saving my life!" Yes, I hugged him as I was really relief that it wasn't the stalker.

"Are you okay?" he asks with a worried look as I was still hugging him.

"I was so afraid thinking that I would die. Thank you so much, Jin!" I keep on thanking him and he let go of the hug.

"You said my name for once..." he trailed off. I guess I was too scared that I forget I hate him so much.

"What? I need to go now. Bye" I said coldly realising that it was Jin after a while. 'What were you thinking? Hugging Jin?!' My brain was scolding me. I walked off quickly heading back home. I closed my door and leaned against it while feeling my face burning when I think back about what happened. 'No I can't like him. He is the annoying guy that like to tease you, Yun Hee' I scolded myself internally.

Jin's POV

I followed her when she left. I was planning to disturb her again. I was jealous when I saw her dancing so closely to Jungkook just now. When she reaches the alley that was always quiet, I wanted to tease her by scaring her but I saw a guy following her as she started running away. I hid behind a bush and when she reached to where I was hiding, I pulled her wrist and covered her mouth so that she wouldn't shout. After making sure that the guy that followed her has disappeared, I released her.

"Jin," she said as she furrowed her eyebrows and she suddenly hugged me. I was shocked by her actions but it felt good to be hugged by her. I thought she would call me a stalker for following her but I guess it is not going to happen.

"Thank you for saving my life!" she thanked me while still hugging me.

"Are you okay?" I asked since she hugged me tighter.

"I was so afraid thinking that I would die. Thank you so much Jin" she thanked me and even said my name this time around. That was just WOW. Hearing her soft voice calling my name made my heart melt. I let go of the hug since she was hugging me so tightly that I am starting to get breathless.

"You said my name for once..." I trailed off since I was speechless.

"What? I need to go. Bye" she suddenly said coldly. Well, I guess her mind is back to reality now. It was nice feeling her warm hug and hearing her sweet voice. Since it was around her house already, I watched her from a distance as she entered her house safely. I walked back to Jungkook's house while blushing as I think about what just happen.

"I guess I am in love with her"


Author's note:

Chapter 3 is up! Yay, okiee honestly I didn't know how to write this chapter since my mind was blank. Sorry if this chapter is kinda bad... I will try to make the next chapter an interesting one but no promises okiee. Give me feedback on how should I make it interesting! Love Ya! Ouhk and pardon any grammatical and typo error. Would publish the next chapter if the first few chapters get a high number of read? IDK if I would continue this book if it doesn't reach 100 reads :/

See ya in the next chapter!

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