Chapter 13

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Jin's POV 

"Now I give you a choice, it is either we tell the boys and girls about us or we break up. It is your choice Yun Hee" I am still mad at her but I tried to stay as calm as possible. I just lost control till this far; giving her a choice that I myself know it is difficult for her. What kind of boyfriend am I? I am starting to regret saying what I said. 

" know I am not ready to tell them about us yet and also I don't want to break up with you. I love you Jin...but if you want to tell the boys and girls, I would rather break up with you since I am not ready to tell them yet and face them teasing me especially the girls" she said slowly but I can see the hurt in her eyes when she said the last sentence. Truthfully, I am hurt too when she said that. We have only been in a relationship for a week and she said this. It is my fault but I was still hoping she would not choose the break-up option. 

"I am sorry Jin...let's just end it here. I am being selfish and that is who I am. Thank you for the one week relationship" she unbuckles her seat belt and steps out of my car. I am just staring at her figure walking away till she is out of my view. She left me.

Yun Hee's POV

I walk slowly by the sidewalk. My tears keep on flowing. I left him. I finally sit at a nearby bus stop waiting for the bus that can bring me home. It was selfish of me but I am just not ready to tell the boys and girls about it, why can't he just understand that fact?

I enter my house and my face just looks horrible after all the crying. 

"Noona? What happened to you? Why do you look like this? Aren't you supposed to be with Jin Hyung now?" Kijung stop me in the middle of my track. I looked down and started sobbing again hearing his name. Kijung calls Jaehwan Oppa but follows me into my room. I didn't say anything. Not a single word to him. 

"Yun Hee, what happened to you? Why are you like this? Where is Jin?" Jaehwan Oppa barge into my room looking at me. I am still sobbing silently. I shook my head hoping they would stop asking me about it. They would definitely blame me for making an irrational decision. I feel that the other side of my bed dips down. 

"Yun Hee please tell us what happened. We can help you sis" Jaehwan Oppa said in a soothing voice persuading me to tell them.

"W-We broke u-up" my voice cracks from all the sobbing. Even without me looking at both of my brothers' face, I know they are shocked now.  I mean who wouldn't we literally just dated for a week. 

"I asked for the break-up...I was being selfish. It is all my fault Oppa" I started blaming myself without telling them the whole story yet. The sobbing starts again right after I stop. Just by thinking about it sadden me. 

"Why are you blaming yourself Noona? What exactly happened?" Kijung asks this time. Well let me tell you something lately Kijung started calling me Noona since he accepted the fact that I am the older twin hehe. 

"He gave me a choice of either telling our friends about the relationship or break-up. He was tired of lying to our friends and acting as if we had nothing. We got into an argument before the questioning happened. We saw one of our friends and his girlfriend at the restaurant and I pulled him out of the restaurant. He suddenly just raged at me and that is how it happened. I chose the break-up choice as I was not ready to tell our friends about it and face them teasing me. It is all my fault. I was being selfish" I kind of got mad at myself when telling them the whole story. 

"It is not fully your fault. I mean both of you should be blamed. He is at fault for not understanding you well and you are at fault for making a decision while thinking about yourself only. I am going to tell you this the last time, don't ever make a decision by only thinking about yourself. In this case, you regretted your choice right? So listen here, I want you to make it up with him and talk things out with him. I know it is not easy to compromise but you have to. I see that both of you really love each other despite the fact that you hated him to the core last time. Go and talk things out with him alright sis?" Jaehwan Oppa said while rubbing my back to comfort me from crying. 

"Kijung it is late, you should sleep and Yun Hee think about what I said but still don't sleep too late. You have school tomorrow" both of them left my room and I am still sitting on my bed. What Jaehwan Oppa said is true, I should talk things out with him but I am afraid that he is still mad at me. 

I did my night routine and lied down on my bed thinking of what should I do. I drift off to dreamland without even realising.

Jin's POV

I am driving aimlessly from just now. I just don't feel like going home yet. My mind is elsewhere but I am still driving. It is midnight now but the roads are still packed with cars. I am angry at myself for doing what I did just now. 

I step on the accelerator. I just don't give a damn about the speed limit at all. I keep on driving beating all the red lights. 



Author's Note:

2 more Chapters to go and this book is coming to an end...

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