Chapter 7

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[Previously: Kayla and Aiden chat a little before watching a movie and eating lunch together. School starts again and Aiden finds out he has a class with Kayla!]

Kevin snickered, excited for news to come. Ever since school started, he had been trying to get back at her for humiliating him. Unfortunately for him, he had no classes with her this year. It was hard to torment her, let alone try to find her. Not only that, Kevin had football practice everyday after school, so he didn't even have enough time to do such petty things. But Kevin was petty.

If he couldn't do it in person, there were other ways. With the help of some friends's friends and some other connections, he had finally gotten her locker number. Earlier today, he had slipped a note he wrote through the locker vents, trying to scare her. It read:

Watch out Kayla

Summers is over.

- Kevin

Kevin snickered again, this time smiling at the smart pun he made. When his friend came by, he grinned. Since he had different schedules and couldn't ever make time, he had gotten a friend of his to see how Kayla reacted to his threat. "How'd it go?"

"Bro, she just laughed at it."

A frown appeared on Kevin's face, "What do you mean she just laughed at it?"

"She took out the piece of paper, read it, and laughed. She just laughed!"

"That's it?" Kevin's voice got a little higher because he was pissed. It wasn't the reaction he was aiming for. Kayla was supposed to be scared. Football jock Kevin, who hovers over the girl, just threatened her with a really smart pun. 'Kayla Summers' was her name, and the 'Summers is over' part was supposed to tell her that he was coming for her, that she couldn't hide from him. It also meant that he was taking her down. Yet she managed to laugh at his warning?

His friend drank some water and remembered something, "Oh, she was going to throw it in the recycling bin, but ended up keeping it. Then she walked away, still laughing."

Now Kevin was even more furious. She wasn't even fazed. Instead, she was entertained. He groaned as the coach blew his whistle and told everyone to start the warmups.

It was sometime after that, maybe a few days later, Kevin received a little something back. At first, he thought it was a love letter, but looking closely, he realized that it was his paper where he threatened Kayla. Only difference was that this time, there was a red response underneath his original message.


I don't mind.

congrats you know my name now

Kevin grabbed his piece of paper and crumpled it. Throwing it hard into his locker, it bounced back out and onto the floor. Coincidentally, Donny was right next to him when this happened and assumed it was from Kayla herself.

"What she write?" Donny asked, taking the paper ball and unraveling it. After reading it, he laughed. "Fall now Kevin? Oh she's got you now! Wait, fall now? Like the season! Oh wow, she's good!"

"Shut up, Donny."

"Hey don't be so mean man. I like your pun too."

Rolling his eyes, he shoved some books in his bag. "Whatever man."


"Aiden, l was wrong. Please, just give me another chance."

Emma reached for his arms, but he backed away in time to dodge her. "For the last time, no. Just leave me alone." Aiden turned away and grabbed his bags off the floor. There was no way he was going stay another second in this useless conversation. She had tried to talk to him recently and to get back together, but Aiden was way past that.

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