Wanna Go Out With Me?

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This is my first Randicon fic. I hope it's good. Send in some suggestions

Today was the day, the day Randy was finally gonna ask Nomi out on a date. Class would end in a few minutes. You can do it Randy! Just say those words to him, you can do it! The bell rang and everyone was packing and leaving for their next period. Randy and Nomi exited the classroom, Nomi got to his locker first, as always. It was kinda irritating to know that Heidi's locker was right next to Nomi's. The girl would flirt with Nomi non-stop! It always drove Randy jealous even if he knew Nomi showed no interest in Heidi knowing that one of the most popular girls in school would flirt with his teacher. Nomi became popular in school too, all because he was the best in taking out Bash when he either treats him or Randy like trash. I guess, that was why Heidi likes him. Except Randy knows more to Nomi than anyone else in school, he fell in love with Nomi when he met those honey gold eyes he had, the dashing red hair, his lean and muscular form, and most importantly, his smile. Oh, Randy couldn't live a day without seeing Nomi's smile, it was always filled with wonder.

Randy sighed as he reached his locker, 'fixed' his stuff and locked it. He noticed his orange haired friend coming up to him with a smirk and a raised eyebrow. "So Cunningham, you gonna ask him out now or what?" Howard knew about Randy's crush on Nomi for like as long as he can remember, he may be dumb, but he's not that dumb. Randy rolled his eyes and started walking through the school's halls, finding the direction to Nomi's locker. He stopped after he saw Nomi, and the occasional flirtatious Heidi.

"Oh wait! I need my sister out of this, don't worry Cunningham I got her" just as Howard was about to do something stupid to get his sister's attention, Randy quickly yanked his arm.

"Howard, I appreciate you trying to help me. But I would rather have to rub this in your sister's face" Howard paused, and grinned maniacally. Randy let him go and Howard out his phone, hid behind a pillar.

"Alright Cunningham, I'll let you go. Make sure to have my sister humiliated so I could record it and use it as blackmail" Randy chuckled and starts to head toward Nomi. His heart started beating faster and faster with every step he takes. Sweat started rolling down his face, his legs starting to wobble a little the closer he got to Nomi. Nomi closed his locker and turned around only to see his favorite student, a smile found its way on his face. The 800 year old book has always admired Randy the most, sure there were other ninjas who were more clever, smart, and disciplined than Randy, but there was something about him that screamed excitement and joy though he never found out what it was...yet. Just as he was about to say a word to his student, but Randy's words cut him off.

"H-hey I was wondering if y-you wanted to go o-out with me?" Is he serious?! Wow! A date?! With Randy?! Nomi thought, he looked calm from the outside, but joy, happiness, and love filled his entire body.

"Look Andy, as you can see―"

"I'd love to Randy, let's go" Nomi intertwined his hand with Randy's and left the school. Meanwhile, Heidi was left dumbstruck and full of rage. Nomi and Sandy?! How dare he! That Sandy stole my Nomi! I'm so gonna get back at him! She stomped to leave the school. This isn't the last you've seen of me Mandy! Howard however was laughing his socks off. "Oh man, best video ever! It's a good thing I did it" 'cause one: she might try to hurt those two, two: she would blame me, and three: blackmail material.

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