Nomi Takes Howard's Advice

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"You know, your eyes are really beautiful"


"No problem, cutie"

Okay, he knows where this is going know.

"Woah woah woah, are you hitting on me? cause I do not like anyone anyone doing that"

Who would expect that their own crush would hit on them? He really really really has this big crush on the red head, but being hit on is a definite turn off.

"And why not, Randy?"

"Cause I barely know you, Nomi"

"You know my name"

"That's besides the point!"

He closes his locker while giving an annoyed sigh to the red head infront of him.

"Get to the point, Norisu"

"Will you go out with me?"

"What makes you think I want to?"

"Howard said, and I quote 'would totally want a piece of me'"

What the juice?! Howard!

"So you wanna go out?"


Anyone would say yes, but Nomi isn't normally like this. The red head is always calm and well mannered. He is not someone to play a laid back jock attitude.

"You're acting really different today"

"Am I?"

"Well duh! You never treat anyone like this! Where's the Nomi I've come to lo-"

He slapped his hand over his mouth, preventing him from saying the "L" word. The juice?! What did you just almost say to him Randy?! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! He rants to himself.

"You've come to what?"


"So are you gonna say yes?"

"Answer my question first"

"You didn't ask one"

"Yes I- oh yeah, I didn't. So, why are you acting different today?"


"Spit it out"


Curently, Randy's brain is processing what Nomi just said...after sometime...

"The juice? Did Howard tell you to act like this?"


Randy facepalmed. After this, he is so goong to have to talk to his friend.

"Makes sense. Rule number 1 in life: never ask him for dating advice"


Not long, there is the awkward silence before both would look away at the same time.

"I w-wouldn't mind going out with you, Nomi"


"Yeah. So what place do you have in mind?"

"The movies at 7. Are you fine with that?"

"Sounds great. I'll see yah there then, bye"

With that, he jogged away from Nomi until he disappeared from sight.


That boy really had me. I should have not taken his friend's advice. Baka. Well then, I best be off, don't want to be late for our first date.

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