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Mackie and Friends
9+ numbers

chrizzie's spawn
ha tom
relationship goals

not andrew

not even what im happy about
shipwise i mean
she volunteered chris and lizzie

yee 😂
can't wait to see what happens

chrizzie's spawn
srry liz
srry chris
but like, focus on telle
we cute

not andrew
damn right

biggest score was that
in 20 minutes, 400k people shipped telle
(basically her fanbase)
but in 5 minutes
300k people rounded up
because of chris and elizabeth

mother lizzie

look whos alive
and has to kiss chris

mother lizzie
didn't sign up for that
but okay

australian chris
^me with everything
chrizzie's spawn
fandoms awesome

not andrew
cmon guys
lighten up
fans will be happy

father chris
you know, willing to do it for
the sake of #telle

chrizzie's spawn
what a good father


Squidward Squad

cheryl blossom
olsen #4
half of chrizzie

wAnDa MaXiMoFf
oh god

not cheryl blossom
if this is what i think this is
i stg

cheryl blossom
1. what was the delio w elle posting that
2. you rlly gonna kiss chris?

quinn fabray
ooh gossip

wAnDa MaXiMoFf
1. she called tom hoelland and
idk it was random relationship drama
2. idk man, didn't know i was gonna b4

not cheryl blossom
needed the likes

quinn fabray
gotta do what you gotta do

cheryl blossom
can't wait to see how you get
them to 💏💏

wAnDa MaXiMoFf
can't wait either

not cheryl blossom
encouragement guys

runaways,, tom hollandWhere stories live. Discover now