World 52: Part 4

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*"Uncle," Liam said one day, holding his bank statement as if it were about to bite him. "I think there's been a mistake with the filing. The ownership rights and profits have gone to my savings." 

Fei Chuan held the paper and looked it over. He passed it back. "There's no mistake," he said simply. "I've registered the company under your name." 

Liam furrowed his brows. "But then what are you?" 

"I'm just a researcher, boss." 

Liam gaped. "Wait, what? Uncle!

"Please continue to put in 100 percent," Fei Chuan said, forcibly keeping a straight face. "This company is counting on you."

 Liam sputtered. "My mom will be hearing about this!"


Helen <3: so what's this i hear bout u signing the company off to my son 
                    navi we talked about handouts 

Navi: It's not a handout. 

Helen <3: bc you'd give a project multi-million company to just anybody 

Navi: Frankly, I was just trying to get the company out of the hands of the Andersons. 

Helen <3: oh yeah? 

Navi: Yes. 

Helen <3: dont think that srsness fooled me. 
                    im onto u 
                    but thank you 
                    and don't do this again. 

Navi: I'll write your name next time. 

Helen <3:  OTL 


Fei Chuan idly rested his face in his hands and closed his eyes. Lately, the board meetings have been getting duller and duller. All the veteran members only talked about starting a co-op with Slayer Tech, and all the newer, scientific advisors all recommended large investments in Fenrir Pharmaceuticals. Fei Chuan spent the last few weeks coming up with stupid bullshit reasons on why they couldn't do either. 

What made it worse was that Slayer Tech actually reached out first, and in a completely unprofessional manner. That was how Fei Chuan knew there had to be an entrepreneur behind the whole company. 

Seriously, who else reached a target company using that company CEO's personal email? How the hell did they even get it? Only the work email should be accessible to the public, and if Fei Chuan finds out his email has been published somewhere in the world wide web he was going to have a long talk with the HR department. 

There was a knock on his door. "Mr. Anderson?" 

Fei Chuan looked up. "Beatrice. Did you need something?" 

Beatrice filed into the room, smoothening out her skirt. "Three things, sir. Here's another property bid waiting for your approval. You have an appointment with Mr. Michaelson in thirty minutes, and," she hesitated. "...Congratulations on being the legitimate eldest son, Mr. Anderson." 

Fei Chuan frowned. "...What." 

His personal secretary gestured to the flat tv screen. "You might want to turn on the TV, sir."

Fei Chuan did. 

"...fined for setting off fireworks in the White House, and is currently facing charges for attempted assault and battery. Henry Anderson stands by that the disownment is final, and inside sources tell us paperwork is already underway. The President could not be reached for comment...." 

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