World 52: Part 5

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Halfway through the fourth year of literally micromanaging everything to do with Vargr Oils (there's no way all this paperwork actually goes to the there?), Fei Chuan received an updated prompt. 

[Subtask 52c. Offer Liam Michaelson a managerial position in Vargr Oils. 13:23:49:59.] 

Fei Chuan's lips twisted into a frown. So, the plot was finally starting to pick up steam. A quick check-in with the system confirmed that Gabriel Sun would be coming to the U.S. in less than five years to set up an American branch of Sun Corporations. 

He took out the status reports on Fenrir Pharmaceuticals and flipped through them. Its stock value has been increasing steadily ever since it was founded, and that was a phenomenon rare enough that financial and industrial experts were taking notes. Good. The larger this safety blanket grows, the more confident Fei Chuan felt about proceeding to an all-out corporate battle with this world's [Protagonist]. 

As Fei Chuan put away the documents, he caught sight of another status report, this one a bit larger. On it in bold font read 'Slayer Technologies'. They, too, were steadily climbing up the ranks of their industry, their tremendously innovative technologies bringing about incredible profits. Last they talked, Aris was looking toward to expanding his company back overseas to China. By the time the Fortune 500 rankings updated themselves, Fei Chuan reckoned Slayer Tech was going to land solidly in the middle ranks. 

Not bad. Not bad at all. 


Convincing Henry Anderson to hire on an illegitimate grandson wasn't hard, considering. When the whole fiasco concerning the disownment of was happening, the consciousness of the world subtly encouraged Fei Chuan to uproot his father and take over the company. There were so many openings it slid right past subtle and into head over heels obviousness. 

Fei Chuan, however, never liked to play by the rules, and he needed a meat shield. If Henry Anderson remained in control of Vargr Oils, then the [Protagonist]'s invasion into the company could be forcibly limited to the sector that Navi Anderson's father controlled. 

In chess, you always go for the king. And Henry Anderson, figurehead that he may be, was firmly seated on the throne. 

Regardless, this development earned Navi Anderson's his father's trust, and it was almost more than he knew what to do with. Especially when all the paperwork subtly shifted onto him, even the ones that should be managed by the President of the company and not the CEO. 


"Congratulations, nephew." Fei Chuan said, dropping the bomb casually at a previously amiable family dinner. "You're hired." 

Helen put down her fork and groaned. "Goddamnit. What did you do this time, Navi?" 

"There's been a recent opening in the managerial ranks of Vargr Oils," Fei Chuan began, and ended, unwilling to say much more. 

"Uncle..." Liam tried, before falling silent. His face was contemplating, a stark contrast to the aggrieved scowl on his mother's face, and Fei Chuan knew he was interested. He had to be, in a way. Anyone could see that Vargr Oils had been prospering these last few years, cinching themselves a place on the top 100s list, and it wasn't unreasonable to want a slice of the pie. 

Helen cleared her throat and shot her son a warning look, and Liam visibly came to a resolve. "Uncle, I can't keep taking from you like this." 

"Lately," Fei Chuan said, carefully weighing his words, "there have been small...insurrections in the upper management. Rather than someone my father would recommend, I'd prefer someone I can trust as a supervisor." It wasn't untrue. In the last half decade, Fei Chuan had been slowly cleaning out the company from top to bottom. There were most certainly employees feeling disgruntled and threatened by his efforts. 

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