One mute girl and one puppet master

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I am an idiot. I accidentally deleted this chapter, so yeah.


In the middle of the night, one particular Akatsuki team had their door being banged.

"What the hell!" The door slammed open, revealing an angry Jashinist and an annoyed money minder. "People are trying to sleep, fucking bastard!"

Deidara did not say anything, just thrust the letter he found in Sasori's room at the two. Hidan and Kakuzu silently read the contents of the letter.

"Will you two help me, un?"



Life really, really wasn't fair.

Kiko found out who killed Sasori. (Stupid Sakura. To think Kiko thought she was nice for healing her.) But she can't do anything about it.

And, on top of it all, Deidara started ignoring her for a week. He and Hidan and Kakuzu always leave the hideout early in the morning and return late at night. When questioned what they were up to, they gave no answer.

Kiko wished Sasori was still with her. He always stayed by her.


"Kiko, un?"

She turned around, in the living room of the hideout. 'Yes, nii-san?'

Deidara held up his arm, stopping her. "No. I don't want you to sign. I want you to speak."


"No signing," Deidara said, somewhat fiercely. "Oh and reality check, un, Sasori's dead. And you can't do anything about it."

Kiko was stunned. Her brother had never hurt her before.

"Most of us are mourning over his death, un. Respecting him. And you? Nothing. You can't even tell him how much you miss him! He was right, un. You are weak. Nothing more than a kid."

Kiko shook her head, eyes brimming with tears. What hurt more was the fact that Deidara was actually right. She was a kid. She was weak. She fell on her knees, defeated.

"Say it," Deidara taunted. "Say his name, un. Prove to me your feelings towards him are true."

Her shoulders heaved with sobs. "... na...." Kiko's voice cracked.

A hint of a smile played on Deidara's lips. His plan was working.

"D-danna... Sasori danna..." Her sobs weren't silent anymore. More tears rolled down her cheeks. They were right. She is truly weak. Shinobis shouldn't be showing emotions. Especially not-

"Crying again, brat?"

That voice.

That very voice haunting her dreams at night.

Kiko looked up, not daring to believe her ears. There, in flesh, stood Akasuna no Sasori, red hair in a mess and brown eyes as calm as ever with the corners of his lips quirking up. Standing up, Kiko broke out in a run, throwing herself at Sasori and clutching the front of his shirt.

He's real, Kiko thought, with tears still rolling down. She could feel his body temperature and the rise of his chest who each breath he took. He's really real. He came back. He did, he did.

Deidara grinned, thinking about to the events a week ago.

Deidara sat on his bed, reading the letter.

If any of you are reading this, it meant that I am somehow dead. I have my human body as a back up plan; I can still be revived.

Under that, there was scribbled in Sasori's italic writing were the steps needed to be fufilled. At once, Deidara knew it was the only solution of all their problems.

"Guess I wasn't wrong when I thought that I may die even as a puppet," Sasori mused, voice still as silky as ever. "Good thing I had my human body as a back up plan."

He gave an irritated sigh when Kiko continued sobbing. "Brat, why are you still crying?"

"Sasori danna..." she sniffed. "I... I thought you died... I... I love you so much..."

Cue the fresh wave of sobs.

Deidara quietly sighed.

"My idiotic brat of a partner." Sasori wrapped an arm around her waist. "It's obvious that I love you too, or else I wouldn't like you get away with so many things and put up with you."


He titled Kiko's chin up, brushing her hair out of her face. "Stop talking, brat," Sasori murmured before gently pressing his lips against hers. Kiko's eyes fluttered shut and she wrapped her arms around him, drawing him closer.

Deidara smiled, turning around and leaving, giving them their privacy. One mute girl and one puppet master, he thought, amused. Now that is one story worth telling.


And The End! Thank you for sticking with me so long! I would write a sequel, IF I had any idea. But since I don't; no sequel, ;_;.

Love you all and vote, comment, whatever! :))

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