Bonus: Just human

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Sasori hated being human.

One reason being, it was simply harder to manage this body after being accustomed to the joints of a puppet body. Another was that a human's body was more delicate, more fragile, and more breakable.

The most important reason, was however, that he could feel. 

It was a nuisance, especially during a mission. Take for example, the recent one. It wasn't hard; rather simple, actually. Deidara was supposed to get into the village, get some information from that kage, and if there was an event that they were being chased after; Kiko and Sasori would fight off the nins and allow Deidara to get back to the headquarters safely.

Rather simple, like Sasori thought.

"Danna!" a crisp voice called. Kiko's voice. Ah, one thing that was quite refreshing to hear. For Kiko, it was unnerving to speak again, but she found out she liked it.

Once the redhead's attention was on her, she spoke again. "The genjutsu I trapped him in," she pointed at the dark haired nin who was stunned and paralyzed. "Will wear off very soon! And if he is the type that he was mentally strong-"

"I get it," Sasori interjected, fingers deftly grabbing the senbons. "I'd preferred you when you couldn't speak. You make too much noise."

Kiko made a noise that was cross between anger, embarrassment and irritation.

Sasori lifted the senbons dripping with poison that will kill within half a day and his fingers twitched, making the senbons float above him. His fingers darted and the senbons charged forward, aiming straight for the dark haired nin.

The nin's fingers suddenly moved and formed into hand seals and in a flash, the dark haired nin was replaced by a wide eyed blonde akatsuki. A quick teleportation jutsu. Sasori's eyes widened and he pulled back his arm but it was too late.

There was a sound of flesh being pierced and blood splattered the floor. Kiko fell to the ground with a thud, blue eyes shut and head lolled to a side. 

Something like pain clutched at Sasori's chest, where his heart was, and then he felt something like rage as his hands formed hand seals and a burst of flame shot out, wrapping, suffocating, killing that nin.

Sasori ran to the fallen girl, cradling her in his arms and standing up.

 A few hours later, Kiko awoke with a stinging sensation in her neck. Her left arm reached up, feeling the wound. She winced as her fingers touched that spot.

"If I were you, I wouldn't move."

Kiko craned her neck, ignoring the pain at the side and her eyes adjusted, landing on the figure sitting at his workshop bench. 


Sasori remained silent for a few more moments, craving his newly attained puppet's parts. Then he stood up, grabbing a couple of pills and a glass of water.

Kiko sat up, rubbing where it hurts. "Mm..." She quickly took the pills offered and drank. 

He stayed silent for a while, watching her before he spoke. "You are so utterly weak."

Kiko blinked and smiled. "I'm just human, after all."

"Weak," Sasori hissed.

"You are human too, you know."

"I despise it."

She hummed in agreement. Kiko sat closer to him, wrapping her arms around his arm, leaning her head on his shoulder.

Silent love (Sasori fanfic) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now