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(next day)

I woke this morning, took a shower and got dressed in some sweat pants a Nike shirt and my Nike slides. I picked up my phone off the charger to see my phone blown up with notifications from Maya, my boyfriend Chris and instagram. I checked Maya first i had three missed calls and one voice-mail and a text that said check insta. I listened to the voice-mail and it said Lisa tagged you in a pic of her and Chris making out. I went to insta and saw what she was talking bout. how could he do this to me I only been gone one day. I commented on the pic saying your cut Chris. He left 15 voice-mail on my phone and 35 missed calls I deleted them all. You miss alot when your asleep. I called maya back; she picked up first ring.

" hey girl I just saw your comment you alright" maya said a little down

" Im hurt but fine. ill live, that just tell me you cant really trust any one." i said trying to hide the fact i was crying.

" dont speak like that you will find some one better" she said trying to encourge me.

"what if i dont want to find anyone"

"everyone needs someone"

"do they really , I'm fine with me my self and I. I can move on I had love for him but I did not really LOVE him"I said trying to get my point across

"I love you and all but why do u have to be so heartless if that was me idk what I would do"

"im not heartless I choose to use my heart less or not all ... and you love to much"

"I do not but I got to go ill call you later "

" k bye"

I hung up the phone and immediately Chris named came on the screen

I let it ring twice before I declined the call. then I herd my farther calling my my from down stairs I was hesitant to go because he sounded mad but I went and as soon as I walked in the living room I felt a hard sting on my face and tiers comimg out my eyes. I laid on the floor in disbelief ,he was really that hurt.

" This is all your fault you just had to be born , she was right if she had of left I would of never came back to see you and now I wish she did leave cuz I stuck with your stupid ass ... ill be back " he walked out the door with nothing but hate in his heart.




Tell me what you think is going to happen.

How do you think school is going to be for her.

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