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The buzzing of my phone wakes me up. I groan and feel around for my phone on the bedside table. Without checking the caller I.D, I answer.

"Hello?" I question in my groggy morning voice.

"Emma sweetheart I'm sorry for waking you." Rosa's voice says, I huff and sit up in bed carefully trying not to wake up Valentina.

"And why are you waking me up?" I ask. I hear her cough over the phone and frown immediately.

"I'm sick and I'm afraid I can't take care of your little one today" she says. Well fuck, that means  she has to come into work with me.

"No no it's fine, are you okay?" I ask fully awake as I start pulling out clothes for Valentina and I for the day.

"I'm fine sweetheart just a little cough" she assures me. After talking to Rosa and making sure she's okay I hang up the call and walk over to the bed. I gently pull the covers off of her small frame and shake her slightly.

"Come on my little sunflower, it's time to wake up" I mumble gently in her ear. She yawns and opens her eyes with a bright smile.

"Mo-ning Emmie" she says as her energy awakens. I don't get how she can be that energetic so fast, like where in the hell does it come from?

"Good morning, ready to take a bath?" I say as I pick her up. I grab both of our clothes and quietly head towards the bathroom down the hall. I know my parents don't wake up for atleast another two hours. I lock the bathroom door behind us and start running a bath for Valentina as she picks a song off of my Spotify playlist. Once I'm finished bathing and dressing her I sit her on the counter and hop in the shower. I look down at the purplish and yellowish bruises that are on my stomach and arms, I sigh and quickly wash myself as Valentina blabbles on about something.

"Emmie am I gonna be purple like you?" She asks innocently as she looks at my bruises. My heart tightens at the thought.

"No baby" I answer softly, she looks confused for a second but then decides to forget it and continue playing games on my phone. After getting dressed in my work clothes and put my hair up in a bun with a few hairs surrounding my face, I gather my purse and keys and Valentina's bag that has numerous toys in it. I quietly walk out of the house and start walking hand-in-hand with Valentina. The walk to my work is about 15 minuets, which means 15 minutes of Valentina complaining that her feet hurt. Once I get to work the other girls are in awe at the sight of my little sister, I roll my eyes at the fact that they can actually be nice. After setting up Valentina in one of corner booths with her favourite colour in books and crayons I pull out my notebook and start working.

The cold water seeps through my shirt and I shiver. A middle age woman threw a pitcher of cold water over my head because I talked to her husband. I was taking his order for Christ's sake! Talk about over dramatic. I walk back out to the restaurant and freeze when I don't see Valentina in the corner where I left her. I start frantically walking around the restaurant looking for her, I'm about to give up when I hear her voice.

"MARCO!!!" She squeals, I look up from the table I was currently looking under to see Valentina running into the arms of Marco, the Greek god from yesterday. What the fuck? What gets me even more confused is his response.

"Is that my princess?!" He says back and picks her up, tickling her stomach which makes her giggle. I walk over to the table to see Ace and Angelo sitting with the same confused face I have.

"Uhm excuse me?" I say uncertaintly as I stop in front of the table, all four heads snap up to my direction.

"Hey hey it's Emma!" Ace says with too much enthusiasm, Marco and Angelo roll their eyes at him. I simply smile and wave to him, then turn my attention back to my little sister who is currently sitting in Marco's lap while colouring in.

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