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A/N: Photo credit to ZoieDicker

Emma had a long day at LeClassico. After sorting through all the files in, now her office, she made a start on fixing all the faults in the restaurant. She ordered a new dress code that was modest and professional for her waiters, some of them thanking her for it, some not so happy about the change. Overall, she ended up spending all day there and didn't get home until 9pm that night.

When she got back to Marcos place the house was light up but silent, she was expecting someone to still be awake since the house always had activity in it. She took her shoes off at the front door before making her way to the lounge, only to find it empty. She frowned and moved to the game room where it was also empty, she huffed and moved to the kitchen. She walked through the doorway to find a brown haired male sitting at the kitchen counter with a cup of what she thought to be hot cocoa in his hands.

"Where is everyone?" She quietly asked Marco as she sat down next to him, she wished that she didn't say anything the other day, that she didn't make things between them tense and uncomfortable.

"They're at my mothers." He replied as he turned to smile at her. Her heart jumped in her chest at his smile, his perfect white teeth gleaming in the low lighting and the skin around his silver eyes crinkling with laugh lines.

"Oh, why?" She gulped as he shifted closer to her, he tucked a stray hair behind her ear and grabbed her hands.

"We need to talk amorè." She gulped nervously and looked down at their conjoined hands, this is where he tells her that it was all a mistake. He notices her anxiety and grips her hands tighter, trying to reassure her that he wants her to be here.

"O-Okay." She silently scolds herself for the stutter that she long dropped when talking to him. She shouldn't be so nervous, they've kissed and he's done nothing but reassure her that she isn't bothering him, but her anxiety won't let her think coherently enough to see those arguments.

"I love you Emma." He sucks in a nervous breath as he watches her face, waiting for her reaction. He doesn't know if she feels the same love he does for her but he knows that she feels something for him. She might not be ready for love yet.

She feels like she's stopped breathing. He loves her? How? She's nothing compared to him, he's rich and beautiful and smart, and well perfect. She's a broken toy, with her anxiety and constant problems she thought that he was getting annoyed of. Before she can say anything he continues.

"I know that you may not be ready for that but I had to tell you. I have to tell you how happy and loved you make me feel without even trying. How you are so beautiful and kind even through the worst scenarios, how you're able to stay strong even after years of torture that would have made anyone else crumble. How you've made my life worth it. How you've made my family love you with a single glance and made my sister realize she can be more than her depression. I had to tell you how you're my reason for loving my live."

He takes a deep breath and tries to make the red disappear from his cheeks, he has never opened himself up to someone like that. He doesn't want it to be anyone else though, he wants to tell her every little thing about himself and her do the same.

Emma looks at their conjoined hands with tears in her eyes and a shaky smile on her face. No one in her life has ever said something so beautiful to her before, she can't even believe that he said that. His words cleared her head of her negative voices that have followed her throughout most of her life. Slowly she lifts her eyes to meet his, blue meeting silver. His eyes are in the same state of awe that he had when he first met her, the melting silver.

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